Today, I've been experiencing sharp intermittent pain in the left side if my chest. Ive used my gtn spray a few times but made no difference. I dont feel its bad enough to visit A & E. Please has anybody any thoughts on what it could be ??
Sharp pain, left side of chest! - British Heart Fou...
Sharp pain, left side of chest!

I dont think asking nonmedical people why you are having chest pain is a good idea. You need to get checked out in the ER now. More people( especially women) die from denial, thinking chest pain is any thing but cardiac. Go get help

First, if you go to A&E you will not be regarded as a time waster as they prefer those that are conscious to those that are not. If you still feel uncertain ring 111 for advice - if they feel it necessary they will arrange an ambulance.
I agree with those commenting above.Please go and get checked out.There's nothing to lose and since you have a gtn spray and that hasn't worked you need to be sure.
GTN spray negative result will indicate that it's not angina, or you're fine or you're having a HA . AE is the only place to go because no one else can tell you?.
Poohbear2, as above, get checked, you will not be wasting anyone’s time as they prefer to check you out and find nothing amiss, than for you to ignore it and become seriously ill (or worse!)
Best wishes
If GTN hasn't helped and u are still getting chest pains. Call for help.
It's likely to be cardiac related.
Paramedics will do a 12lead ECG on site and be able to see if any issues with the heart.
U won't be classed as a time waster like someone else said its better to be be conscious and not having a HA or cardiac arrest.
Earlier intervention is better
PS My son and I both work for an ambulance service
Ive never had a stent fitted as my arteries were sparkling clean!
I'm curious then why you've been using GTN - what heart condition do you have? Do you have a history of angina?
Also, like everyone else has already said, get to an A&E. No point messing about on a forum - time is always of the essence if your heart is involved. Better safe than sorry!
Hi Voice
You can still have angina without blocked coronary arteries even a heart attack.
This can be due to Microvascular dysfunction causing microvascular angina or vasospastic angina due to spasms in the coronary arteries.
I live with both.
This non obstructive coronary artery disease is poorly recognised and takes an astute Cardiologist to diagnose then patience and tenacity to find the best combination of medication to treat .
Unfortunately some people with either MVA or/ and Vasospastic do not have effective treatment and live with frequent sometimes debilitating episodes of severe angina.
I came home a few weeks ago from my latest 10 day stay in took that long to stabilise my vasospasms....
Poohbear I believe may also live with either Microvascular or vasospastic angina.
Interesting! I always assumed that an MI was caused by a lack of oxygen to the heart caused by an obstruction of some kind.
You are in good company many people are not aware of this including some Cardiologists😊
About 6% of heart attacks are thought to be
Myocardial infarction non obstructive coronary artery (MINOCA)
Common causes Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), microvascular dysfunction and vasospastic angina. A clot forming and blocking the blood vessel.
Hi Poohbear2, I haven’t had stents either. I had a heart attack following a Spontaneous cardiac artery Dissection (split in my Left Artery). Its a condition which it’s known to come with frequent chest pain afterward. That being said, if GTN spray does not settle the pain, you really need to seek medical advice. I have been told to dial 999 and seek ambulance services in the event of chest pain that doesn’t settle with GTN. You will not be wasting time. The emergency services would far rather you contact them to be sure, even if nothing turns out to be wrong. Take care of yourself, I hope it all turns out well for you.
Hi Poohbear2 I hope you're doing ok. The community is always here if you want to chat but for medical advice, especially chest pain, please do speak to a doctor.
Thank you, that's good to know. I do have quite a few long term health issues. I found out the pain in side of my chest fortunately was not heart related x