Annual checkup: Please correct me if I... - British Heart Fou...

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Annual checkup

5 Replies

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I have been under the impression from the Rehab team, that once we have had the misfortune to have heart problems, we go on the "heart register", which means we are recalled annually to have blood tests and a chat, or whatever else might happen during it. Having hear nothing from the local GP or hospital a year on, I rang the local surgery to be told "oh yes you are supposed to be contacted on your birthday" (not sure how that works??). The receptionist was a bit vague to be honest. Has anyone experience of this? I am also under the impression that I will probably come off the Clopidogrel after the year is this part of the recall or should the hospital contact me? Have to say following the excellent treatment a year ago it all seems like it is down to me to remember.

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5 Replies
Maisie2014 profile image

It’s only my opinion but I can’t see the hospital contacting you. In my case I was discharged after my three month check. I wouldn’t trust my GP to contact me either regardless of how good they are.

SpiritoftheFloyd profile image

I agree with Calliope153 - the poor follow up really shocked me. After being looked after so well in hospital - boom - nothing. The hospital tested me as type 2 diabetic and asked my GP to get me re-tested to confirm - that's all they were concerned about!

The discharge letter sent by the consultant to by GP, ended says "he's had a stormy journey", even someone untrained medically would have read that letter and realised that my trip to the heart hospital wasn't the most fun trip of my life, so I sort of expected someone in the GPs to call me in to discuss, but they didn't.

It basically took me a few weeks to realise that it was down to me - so I rang for an appointment to see the GP to discuss my situation. 9 months later and I'm quite used to asking questions, getting appointments and getting explanations.

The system is working at or beyond capacity, so I think it's every man/woman for themselves, and a pair of sharp elbows tend to help!

SPV123 profile image

Yep I agree with all, brilliant Emergency care in Hospital, Then pretty much nothing unless you have a need to book a GP appt yourself, No annual check up, Questions I would of liked an answer to are still unanswered, keep taking the tablets. !!

Thanks for the replies, if anticipated and somewhat depressing. As so much in this life, it seems it is a matter of the chick that shouts the loudest gets fed, it's all a bit naff really. You do your bit as in diet, exercise and so on, and they just leave you to your own devices, ah well happy days!

Qualipop profile image

Your GP should have arranged all the blood tests and your medication changes. I had blood tests 3 months after the HA to check nothing was damaging my liver then it's a 12 monthly check up unless I'm having problems. I'venever beenback to eth hospital. NO follow up at all;they just hand you over to your GP

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