Recently had a dizzy turn and subsequently diagnosed as AF. No major issue and I am booked in for further tests and consultation. However, before then I have a cruise holiday booked visiting the Baltic. Now agd 80 I am running into difficulties. Can I only get single trip indurance? If so, where. Would appreciate advice.
Getting Insurance : Recently had a... - British Heart Fou...
Getting Insurance
We always use Staysure and there’s no upper age limitations!
Theres list of insurers on the BHF site that cover people with heart conditions. However, getting cover is a bit tricky if you're waiting for tests procedures etc. We've used All Clear in the past, not sure bout the single trip policy, think you'd probably have to ask them bout that
Morning ancient blue
I brought travel insurance last week from a company called 'all clear'
I found them to be very helpful and well priced.
Good luck
We are insured on an annual policy with Staysure, however when we informed them my husband is waiting for a re referral to cardiologist he was discharged years ago ( he has Perm AF and other issues too) and recently blood test BNP was raised, they would not cover us for ANY preexisting condition so make sure you declare everything. Also the annual policy we have will not cover cruises sorry. Presumably because doctors on board charge through the nose and transfer to terra firma would be expensive.
Have you tried boots the chemist for insurance. I adidnt know it existed until a friend told me. I got it in January but on,y for the days I was going away. Try stay sure.