Discharged 17th may
medication stopped
Nitrolingual spray
Mononitate pills
Renaxa something ?
I thought I was doing well . Gentle walks around the house. Can manage the stairs . Showers are slow but fine .
Last couple of days noticed on walking up stairs I was feeling heavy on my chest . Not much but different ,
Monday evening walked upstairs sat on my bed my chest felt it was getting even more tight . Mentioned to family I didn't feel well .
Then the horrid pain of it going up my neck and down my left arm 😱😱😱
Used a spray I had at home nothing happened
Called 999 and now at my local hospital . Not where surgery was done,
so far
Hemogloben levels low ?
Oxygen levels low
Chest x-ray good .
I'm now on a gtn drip
Some one mentioned possible ^something spasm" can't remember
Finally just got settled in a bed 4am now Tue morning 😭😭😭
Any one else had angina pains after bypass ????
SJ x