Morning everyone, I have woken with trepidation today, ok I am scared! At my last visit to the heart failure clinic my nurse wasn't to happy with things, blood pressure 80/60 for one and a bit breathless, she contacted my cardiologist who I seen within a few days!! He was not happy with things either so he decided to admit me for a few days for tests, pack for four the letter says, a short break hmm, I was in hospital for two weeks in Feb got the full Mot and diagnosis, starting today with cpat and I know he is going to do a neck catheter 😥 but not sure what else 😷 as long as the the angiogram word is not mentioned I might be able to cope, I still have flash backs it was so bad I could have taken my arm off with a pen knife and the window was looking a good exit! 24 hours on morphine I survived, I am writing this all down here as I know you all understand and have been through a lot yourselves, I am just mabe frightened of the outcome, what he might find, has my condition worsened? , and it's difficult to talk to friends they do try and understand but I don't like to go on about it, my boyfriend just says, you will be fine, you look ok,lol men eh!,I know he is worried but doesn't quite no how to deal with it, so thanks for reading and I will keep you posted what happens with tests etc, chaz xx
Back in hospital : Morning everyone, I... - British Heart Fou...
Back in hospital
I am afraid I can't really help. When I was first diagnosed with my heart failure I was in and out of hospital all the time. I hated it all the tests and injections thankfully I didn't need an angiogram so I don't know what you went through. Everything has settled down now so I hope things will for you too. Not much help I know but just to let you know I will say a prayer for you. Good luck.
Thank you, it just helps even to read that other people have gone through the same thing and it has settled down eventually x
Thinking of you ... and I don't want to say you'll be fine lol ... but don't worry... 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks, it does help to know others have went through all the tests as well xx

Hi chaz, sorry to hear you're back in. I and a few others can feel your pain towards the dreaded angiogram let's hope it doesn't come to that, fingers and everything crossed. Keep us informed how it's going and if you get bored just drop a general hi to us. Take care
Thanks had the cpat, knackered now, and waiting at the mo for an echocardiogram, tomorrow they think will be the neck catheter, once that is by, should be ok, no angiogram yey! 😊, I will keep you all posted, no beds were available in the ward so I have a room in adjoining hotel, very nice it is, although obviously I wish I was home, here till Friday
Like everyone else I hope it all goes okay and yes keep posting if you find it helps. I am another who would hate another angiogram so know how you feel if they mention the word.
Thanks I will, here till Friday, I have my list of tests, worst is the neck catheter, mabe tomorrow, but no angiogram xx
Are you in the Golden Jubilee? I was there in 2015 thankfully been discharged now so don't need to go back. Hope all goes well today. The doctors and nurses are all great in there and will look after you. Good luck.
I can't praise the Golden Jubilee enough. I think anyone who's been treated there becomes a mega fan instantly, don't they? I feel very lucky to get my treatment in such an amazing place.
Def and I feel so lucky that such a great place is so near to where I stay, every member of staff I have met have been so caring, I was in for a week in Feb, and they were so nice x

Ugggggh, neck catheter! I still feel sick at the very thought of it... I hated the angiogram too, but loved the sedation they gave me. Every cloud etc! At least you can be sure they're checking everything out thoroughly, hopefully you head home at the end of the week feeling a bit less anxious and with a good healthcare plan in place. Best of luck with it all x
I'm glad you don't need an angiogram, but I do and am being told by everyone its painless. Was yours unusual?: Good luck with all else.
Hi I think it was, they said I have very small arteries and that's what caused the problem, everyone else I have met that's had it done seemed to be fine, so I am glad that I the results were fine and I don't need another one, phew 😱 x
My angiogram was pretty horrible too, but (like Chaz1958) I have very small arteries...which spasmed during the procedure. I think a "normal" angiogram is painless and nothing to worry about. Good luck
Hi.. Having read all of the above regarding angiogram, I have to say I was surprised. I have had several angiograms and everyone was fine.. Sorry for those who have had bad experiences, but don't worry too much about it, I'm sure you'll be fine xx
Hi and thanks, I just think I was very unlucky, I keep having flash backs terrified I need another one but so far it's not been mentioned, just the neck catheter, which although wasn't great it was no where near as bad, I am just apprehensive about it, at the moment I am waiting on a phone call from the ward, to go for it, I think that is sometimes worse, time to think boohoo
Mine was painless but I had a horrendous migraine immediately afterwards and then had a stroke 4 days later. All in all I have come away relatively well but who knows if I will be as lucky next time.
Sorry to hear that, it was so much worse than me, they took me down and scanned my arm for any permanent damage and fortunately all seems to be fine, I hope you are recovering ok, take care xx

I count myself incredibly lucky - I had wandering eyes initially and could not (for all the tea in China) walk in a straight line, no matter how hard I tried. I spent a week in hospital but luckily the only thing I am now aware of is my writing isn't as easy as it once was. As I said, I was very very lucky but it has left me frightened of ever having another one.
Me too, and I never had anything like that, I would be terrified if they mentioned it, fortunately my arteries were fine, pity nothing else is lol x
Thank. You for sharing. I will ask doctor about blood thinners and using the femoral artery for my angiogram.