I found this short film interesting. Hope you do. Heart disease is very much linked with obesity. It was made by Al Jazeera:
Fast Food: Fat Profits: I found this... - British Heart Fou...
Fast Food: Fat Profits
There are some slim and active people who get heart disease. But for the majority you don't have to look beyond the reasons given in this film, decades of rubbish food.
We found ways of fighting back against tobacco; education, punitive taxation, gruesome packaging, legally enforced restrictions. Surely it's time to deploy the same tactics against fast food, confectionary, bagged snacks, and sugary drinks.
Personally I don't think we have a choice. Unless we get tough on combatting lifestyle diseases then we're heading towards costs that will break the NHS.
I was actually going to post a link to The Heart Attack Grill (it could only happen in the US) where the owner dresses up as a doctor and the waitresses as nurses. However, some copyright stopped the link from working. The person they used for promoting the place died at 29 weighing 530lb - he would probably been alive if he had been a healthy weight. The menu included (double, triple and quadruple) bypass burgers, flatliner chips (done in lard), buttermilk shakes, etc. I found the while thing both disturbing and sad. If you Google you should find it.
So it's punish everyone for people being obese !! It's like saying ban alcohol because some people get drunk !! State Intervention leads to things you wouldn't want to happen.
Don't get me wrong people shouldn't be obese, but and here comes the but don't punish us all for the people who can't control what they are eating, or drinking. People know the consequences of what they are doing !!
Just to turn this on it's head I wonder the cost of treating obesity related illness on the NHS and the cost of treating us all when we reach a ripe old age through being thin and not eating fast food or drinking alcohol !!
Questions for Society to answer or for Politicians to come up with the answers !!! This is a 21st century conundrum which we have never had to face up to until now .
I know it's already "broken" in my own latest experience with a mid-career Cardiologist, who is "target-driven" to keep pushing his career into the next level. In his eyes, if you're not fat, you have no heart diseases. Thank god for all my previous test results, which were kept! Younger ones seem to have more enlightened attitude open to latest studies and researches, on the other hand.
Yes, I feel that there are enough people, who wouldn't fall into the "stereotyped" Cardiac patients, who are largely ignored by the campaign by BHF. BHF might need to stop reinforcing the stereotyped ideas of Fat people = Cardiac patients. There are some studies abroad that fatter people survived far better. I know enough senior people, who are close to 100 and they are quite "round".
Slim, athletic, thin-build may not necessary mean "Good heart" as we know based on the posts/threads on this Hub.
I often commented that "big food industry" ought to issue guilty funds to support the environment (recycle) and health of the community. Nobody said anything so far.
Obesity is quite a serious problem for many of people. Obesity is one of the many causes of heart disease. My grandfather died because his heart was surrounded by fat and couldn't work. Yes, it happens and it's sad. People are to blame for their obesity, not fast food. I love fast food, but I know the measure, I don't eat it every day. Of course, sick people do not count, who have hormonal failures, etc. I often eat at New York Food Truck, I really like street food. Once a week I go there to eat. Guys, just know the measure of everything that you use and everything will be fine.