Anyone who takes aspirin what tinge of day do you take it
Aspirin: Anyone who takes aspirin what... - British Heart Fou...

I was told to take mine in the morning with my breakfast does it not say on the box
I take mine with breakfast❤️

Straight after breakfast and never on an empty stomach!
Same here, breakfast followed by daily meds, including soluble aspirin
Hi I take mine each morning
I take mine in the morning. I believe you can take it at any time in the day (and some research suggests taking it in the evening is more effective at reducing morning blood clotting - the most likely time for a heart attack/stroke). The cardiac nurse told me the reason they say to take it in the morning is that patients are less likely to forget to take it in the morning.
First thing in the morning with my coffee, and all my other meds no food at this point though. So far so good and no stomach problems
Hi I take mine in the morning with breakfast. Told not to take it on an empty stomach. Have just been given omeprazole to take now due to acid reflux. This was caused by taking ibruphrofen for years, prescribed by Dr. Taken off it by another Dr. I also have sicca syndrome which also can cause acid reflux due to dryness. But feeling better now, sleeping better as well. I have started to up my exercise a little. Go for walks short way, next day a slightly longer way. Then one way that takes an hour to get to the shops. Have also started doing steps st home, managed to do 40 minutes the other day. Got a stinking cold this week, so not done too much do far. Your words are an inspiration yo us all. Well done.
Regards Dee.
I also take lansoprozole due to acid reflux following ibrupophin prescribed by doctor. I also take aspirin midday. I recently have changed the time that I take lansoprozole from morning to last thing at night after discussion with doctor - I think this is better . I used to have to sit up in bed for part of the night but find with the new regime I can lay down
Aspirin after breakfast, as instructed.
Initially was having all other drugs together first thing in the morning, saving aspirin for after breakfast, but had problems with the runs.... now take only Omeprazole first thing, the rest with breakfast about an hour later, and (dispersable) aspirin last of all. No stomach problems since changing.
I buy the enteric coated ones from Tesco, very good value and I take them first thing in the morning when I take most of my tablets
Hello- Take it in the morning with or after food
At breakfast time after food.
Every morning... banana followed by aspirin in a glass of water to wash down the other meds.
I take mine in the evening with my toast just before bed. It thins my blood and acts as a painkiller for all my niggles. I am hypertensive and my risk of stroke is very high.
Hi Benji. I take mine in the morning after food. Don't take on an empty stomach.
All the very best xx
I take lanzoprazol 1/2 hr before I eat then take aspirin along with all my other meds.
I take a morning cocktail of 6 meds, including aspirin 75mg & Lansoprazole 30mg, about half an hour before breakfast. No problems yet after 7 months.
Morning with food
I take dispersal aspirin in the morning, just before sunrise where there is a bit of yellow or light red colour in the horizon, below the blue sky. Waking up at this time is very good for the heart, I feel strong and fit for activity.

Hello Mike - I was very interested to read about the best time to wake up and I would like to know more. Could you please direct me to the research? - Many thanks
Hello, I have said from my personal experience daily. My own research is raising up the curtain and looking out of the bedroom window early morning at 7.00am -7.45am in the UK. The sight before sunrise but in broad daylight makes me feel very healthy and fit. When I walk around I realise it is feeling good and fit physically. I have seen many videos on Youtube about early waking and the health benefits, soothing morning sounds, bhudist practice. These videos look professional and they may be results of much research by practitioners

Hello Mike - thanks for your reply and I'm sorry I misunderstood your message . Nevertheless, I'm going to try your idea. I've recently retired and now don't have to plan my day on getting to work so I can get up anytime I like although it may be a little challenging in the summer months when the sun rises before 5am which poses the question of when to go to bed. Oh, dear, life is full of decisions.
I take mine in the morning with clpoidogral after my breakfast ...
Hi I take mine in the morning after breakfast
I take mine as soon as I remember to 😂
I take mine in the evening with my evening meal then the food protects my stomach but I also take Aspirin gastro- resistan so it desolves in the gut and not in the stomach if you take your meds in the evening if you have problems its when you are sleeping if you have them in the morning and you have problems your day is ruined . The fuller the stomach the more protection you have for the stomach
I found after dinner about 7 is best for me
Take my cocktail of pills first thing in the morning but I see many are taking them after does that help please?