Has anyone been refused a home visit from pip.what can I do to get them to change their mind.
Home visit : Has anyone been refused a... - British Heart Fou...
Home visit

If they gave a reason for refusing, discuss it with your doctor. They might be able to change DWP minds.
They said that if I can go to hospital buy patient transport I can go to them.in London on Christmas Eve.i live in Hemel Hempstead.by taxi
Stupid people! Have you tried asking for somewhere nearer? I took someone to the one in Dunstable which is probably around eight miles from you.
They don’t want to no.i have sent a email to my hart doctor to see if he has any ideas what i can do.i told pip that they’re a load of s..t.they have no interest in helping people with disabilities.they make you feel ill and upset.they have no time thanks Michael
Hello Badger - I was reading some info on the citizens Advice Bureau Site in which they state a home visit should be considered if you obtain a letter from your Gp saying because of your health / mobility issues a home visit is recommended. Have you a Welfare Rights To or CAB near you to support you
I will have a word with my doctor.thanks Nathan53
I have knowledge of these people and know of few who have, have anything positive to say about the process. Since the system went into the public domain, judged upon savings made, has lost what heart it had and remains a cruel and unfeeling system of grading. However, you really do have to take a step back and ask whether they have a case or not? Irrespective of the date or how close to the festive season, if you used - is it available to use - patient transport? Is there anyone available to take you? Is it reasonable? Are you being treated differently to others? Is it worth trying to force the issue so close tot he appointment? Were you given enough time to make the arrangements? Is the request reasonable? I was bullied and cajoled when in a similar position some years ago and it is truly debilitating, cruel and with the only guarantee, one of complete devastation and concern for the future. Perhaps you could try and play the game (it's not a game though) by obtaining a Dr's letter regarding fitness to travel and then contact them and ask, "despite my Dr's medical advice, are you going to force me to come to you, when I am more than willing to meet you half way or at home, whenever you deem fit? This is probably not what you need to hear but it is pro active and in the realisation that they can manipulate the rules to suit themselves. If the request is reasonable, you really should comply - if not - you really should try the Dr's letter route. Good luck and remember there are many sympathetic ears here. Are you a member of a union, a former armed forces unit, have home insurance with a legal cover? All of these places can also help. Finally, keep everything for a paper trail is something very useful and you can be assured they will have one!

Thanks for thinking of me.i will ask my doctor for advice .
PLease check the Benefits and Work website for advice. There's a lot just for members but still plenty. EVERYONE who claims benefits ought to join. NO I have no vested interest but they've helped me through 4 tribunals ( Which citizens advice failed) and the advice is invaluable.