Hi. My 77 year old mum had her heart attack and heart failure 8 weeks ago and although she’s spoken to a cardiac nurse over the phone she’s not been fully assessed and not attended any classes due to the lockdown. I’ve found you can do the exercises online in your own home. Is she okay to do this or will I need to seek advice? I would obviously do them with her and I was just thinking once a week for now. Any advice would be appreciated
Cardiac Rehabilitation at home - British Heart Fou...
Cardiac Rehabilitation at home

Give the BHF nurses a call in the morning. There is also a "cardiac rehab at home" webpage from the BHF. There's a pinned post but my device has decided it does not want to play so I cannot link at the moment! 🤔
I had a heart attack around the same time ago and likewise haven’t had any follow up face to face appointments. I have spoken to cardiac rehab nurse but with regards to exercise it was a physio from the cardiac rehab team I have spoken to on a few occasions now. Very very helpful to understand how you should feel during and after exercise, the importance of warming up etc and will be able to offer advice tailored to you Mum’s age and condition.
I would definitely get advice from the professionals before embarking on any exercise regimes. I didn't get my rehab started for a number of months after my op so I dint think its urgent to start exercising yet... and at the rehab exercise clinic they monitor you while you are doing the exercises and as someone else mentioned they really stress the importance of warm up before doing too much. I think I would be tempted to wait for the classes for your mum. The other thing is exercise once a week is not ideal as it should be exercise e to 5 times a week to make a positive fitness impact. Hope this helps
I had a heart attack 7 weeks ago and also like your mum only spoken to a cardiac nurse very briefly when l rang the Rehab service with concerns l had. From that one phone call l gauged to do only what you feel able to. She was able to look at my scan etc results and what had been done. I've looked at the Rehab video and personally I going to wait till I'm being assessed before I attempt anything. I try at the moment to walk around the garden. When I feel I'm getting breathless I stop and rest. Tried dusting the other day and was unwell for a day. That reminded me of what the nurse said. They stress the importance of Rehab however I all we can do is go by now we feel like and what we feel comfortable doing? There are so many variables to consider and as we're on our own on this it's a difficult one. Have you shown her the Rehab videos by the way?? Has she been able to talk about it as well??