Had a good night last night but think I was that shattered after going through waves of chest pains for 1hour 30 mins the night before and having no sleep all night. Even on the oral morphine. Actually in the cardio unit now. Had 3 episodes in here. I have had about 9 in total and ECGs have been fine on everyone. Tropt results down to 5 from 12. So they are happy with that. Feel such a fraud as nothing is showing. There is a pressure in the middle of my chest for 75% of time.
Hospital visit update : Had a good... - British Heart Fou...
Hospital visit update

Hi I've only just joined so probably make mistakes !!!!!
I know exactly how you feel, I've had chest pain on and off for a few months and each time stayed in hospital overnight as I have close family history of major heart problems.
Each time they found nothing wrong, I felt so stupid like I was imagining it.
After a few months with a heavy feeling most of the time and ended up having pain that didn't really go away. Called 999 and this time had an echo, angiogram, I have the bottom of my heart not squeezing properly as the blood isn't getting through, coronary arteries completely normal.
Eventually diagnosed with prinzmetal angina after all that time, so know exactly how you feel.
Eventually things will get sorted and get a diagnosis. Hang on in there ☺️
Thank you for your advice and sharing your experience with me and others. I have been in this position 3 times in a year and this time I'm determined to get to the bottom of the problem. This time feels different though as if it's building up as time goes on. Hope they get it before it gets me.... echocardiogram tonight after another episode but they didn't tell me anything. Nurse said cardiologist would probably discuss with me on her rounds.
Everything takes so long in hospital and all you want is answers, you sort of want answers but don’t want there to be anything wrong as well?
Let me know how you get on.
I’m not great health wise at the moment but need to do some work but I work in a house with 4 children and 2 adults, not sure what to do as they’re desperate for me to go back and they are a lovely family, just don’t know which way to turn ?
It's tough times at the moment but you have to protect yourself. Stay safe and healthy in the long run the family rely on you. 👍
Thank you, I know you’re right, just felt I needed someone to confirm how I was feeling, it’s horrible making those sort or decisions as there’s no right of wrong answers, just doing what’s best for you.
Hope you’re ok, did you get any answers this tine from the Dr’s ?
So frustrating for you
Hi Moaning alert...............
Just been sent out of hospital after having a night of no pains. Although this morning after the ward walk around I was told I could go for a little walk. I did and went dizzy. I had an ECG that showed nothing and a BP lie down/stand up test showed
My systolic rate go from 124 to 117. No meeting with a specialist to discuss any of the results just a visit from a discharge nurse. I am now out of hospital with an extra 5 tablets to take and diagnosed with acute angina. So I come home and just going upstairs for a shower is giving me chest pain. Perhaps some of you more knowledgeable members can help but this is how I feel... I feel as though I have been fobbed off with tablets and that they have treat the symptoms and not the cause. Surely anyone in my position must have the right to have the problem further investigating and fixed rather than patched up. Last year I had 2 stents put in one artery and the other two (I have now found out) had lesions and were 60% blocked. This was after a heart attack. I feel like another heart attack would be the only way I could have an angiogram to find out why this pain is so bad. I have even looked at the private prices but they are between £1.8k and £3k. Am I wrong in thinking this way and do I just shut up and soak it up?
Sorry to moan but I'm just so upset about the way I was treated in hospital. It was as though they were saying you have not had a heart attack and our tests are showing you shouldn't be I pain. I have quite a high pain threshold normally.
Hi there, I’m so sorry you’ve came out of hospital not having any answers, have they not even considered an angiogram? You shouldn’t just put up with it, you know your body best and you know something really isn’t right and you’re really worried.
So much for the ward round to give you an update, I’ve had tests done only to be given a discharge letter and sent off !!!!!
What is your Gp like can you talk to him to get a consultation with a good cardiologist?
Also what meds did they give you on top of what you have if they haven’t found anything, I know it screams of hand meds out and see what happens 🙄
Hi, taking
For blood pressure and Angina.
Just felt like I was wasting their time in the end.
Hi 👋
I know what you mean, I’ve felt the same, it made me feel like a fraud as everything was coming up normal or near normal but said it was just normal for me which is fine, but when you start getting pain and breathless you know somethings wrong.
I sort of cringed going to the Gp the next time to say what was happening again.
Before I got any appointment I got rushed into hospital for the second time with the usual chest pain etc.
I then had the tests, got the phone call from the consultant and was diagnosed then
Don’t give up.