Does anyone have any experience of travel insurance companies sympathetic to heart conditions. I have tried the list on the BHF site but it is much reduced and all companies are more expensive than previously
Travel Insurance: Does anyone have any... - British Heart Fou...
Travel Insurance

Travel insurance goes up if you have had a cardiac event, had or awaiting surgery, or in the diagnostic stage.
You have not given much detail so out is hard to comment further. In some cases you may simply be refused! If 55 or over StaySure can be sympathetic.
Unfortunately you will be paying more than you used to - there is no escaping that. I used a comparison website and found myriad quotes (I had a triple CABG). All of these sites use a 'condition' related questionnaire so if you have many conditions it can be hard to get any quotes. There are others (most not on comparison sites) that use a 'medication taken' approach and these can be more 'understanding'. My wife uses 'Insurance With' (she has multiple medical conditions above cardiac ones). Essentially its going to be a case of shopping around. Good luck. If you find a good deal, post on this site for others (Travel Insurance is one of the most common topics on the site).
Hi there,
I have had CABGx4 around 15 weeks ago and wonder why the insurance companies can increase the cost. I haven’t asked for quotes yet but will early in 2019.
In my view because of my operation I am healthier and don’t have a heart condition now so why am I a bigger risk.
Watch this space.
This time I used the Post office not as cheap as some but looks good. Have used Staysure in the past but they seem to have got more expensive recently
Husband has had heart attack and a stent fitted (quite a while back), I was diagnosed with AF whilst we had an annual Avanti policy. Telephoned them, they increased the premium, but covered us both. So, they should cover you. I have not had an annual policy since as very, very, expensive.
This year used SAGA, once again expensive, but they covered us both for 10 days in Menorca.
I’ve used Staysure who I found to be very reasonable and offered discounts on subsequent strips. Happy travels!
I found simple to use and very reasonable.
Insure with are very good with heart conditions .
Hi there we are with Aviva they have been great. Unfortunately my ICD caused a cardiac infarction and I was on holiday in Jersey. I was medicated out of Jersey to Oxford hospital in critical condition with 2 cardiac surgeons who were amazing. We believed our insurance covered everything but when I was told I was to be airlifted home they said my insurance didn't cover the plane journey due to leaving Europe through Brexit. £5000 was to.d it would take to fly me home thankgod the hospital and NHS came to the rescue. We called Aviva and it does say in the very smallest print this info. I was disgusted as their always helpful this should of been highlighted more. I have since had an SICD fitted 3 weeks ago which is fine I and my husband and daughter have Brugada Syndrome diagnosed this year after losing our son aged27 on New Year's Eve 2017
Hi, I had a triple bypass in April this year. After being given permission to fly In August I phoned around & insured with All Clear who specialise in medical travel insurance, there are a few companies who do such as insurance.with as well as All Clear. They insured both myself & my husband for 12 months & considering we are both pensioners for a very reasonable amount. My neighbour had recommended them as well, she too has had a bypass.