After a heart attack and 2 stents I was given loads of tablets but apart from problems with Atorvastatin ( now changed to simvastatin) and brief bouts of breathlessness from ticagrelor, I felt fine. For the last week the breathlessness has got much worse, I've developed bad pain in my hips and I'm just dragging myself around. I have no energy and feel dreadful. Went for a brief walk yesterday and couldn't get past the end of our street and struggled to get home- maybe 20 yards. This starts about an hour after I've taken my morning pills and lasts for about 6 hours. After that I feel absolutely fine; can run upstairs, plenty of energy and not breathless. It has to be something I take on a morning which are TIcagrelor, Ramipril, Elantan (Isosorbide mononitrate) aspirin, and bisopralol plus furosemide that I've taken for 8 years. I tried leaving the ramipril until night in case it was dropping my BP too far but it made no difference. It has to be something I take on a morning causing this because it does wear off. Any ideas? I do have a pre op assessment at the hospital on Wednesday prior to a pressure angiogram so I can ask them there. My GPs are no help.
Breathless, painful joints, no energy - British Heart Fou...
Breathless, painful joints, no energy

I was the same and think it was the Ticagrelor. Couldn't bend to put in socks, climb stairs or walk up a slight hill. 😢
Ticag has caused breathlessness since I started it but I haven't been struggling to walk or being so bad up to the last 5 days or so. It's very noticeable that it starts about an hour after taking the meds
I was the same and it did stop when I came off them. Cant remember if that's the one that gave me bruises too
Yes it does cause bruises. It's strange it's only started so bad now when I've taken it for 6 weeks.
I’ve been on Bisoprolol for 3 months and it does make you feel tired and listless with joint pain initially but persevere and most of the symptoms get less but don’t disappear completely.
Consultant's secretary just rang me. He's blaming either ticagrelor or bisopralol. The ticag certainly causes breathlessness and I know that can be swapped for clopidogrel but I'm like bee2. I react really badly to drugs and am on the lowest dose of everything. He's said I must see my GP so I'm booked in for 5pm but they really don't have much idea. It's now 2 hours since i took them and I'm feeling like hell just sitting doing nothing and somehow I have to get to a hospital appt in half an hour. Heart's thumping, chest ache and breathless.
I’m not an expert, but my gp prescribed Furosemide for breathlessness, it helps your lungs get rid of excess fluid caused by your heart not working properly. They did the trick for me, no more breathlessness.
I've been on furosemide for 8 years
Well, I was given a 5pm appointment with a GP; someone I'd never seen before. After having to explain my whole history including what symptoms I had when I had teh heart attack, he first thought about sending me straight to hospital then decided that instead he woudl do an ECG and a blood test . The ECG was perfect. I was told if there was anything in the blood test, the hospital would phone me even during the night. He refused to even consider it may have something to do with my tablets even though it starts about an hour after taking them and has gone away after about 6 hours. OH well, I have a cardiac pre op tomorrow at the hospital so I will ask them