Hi my dad’s finally home after bypass surgery. He has a cough that’s making it very difficult to sleep. We’ve used lots of pillows to prop him up as suggested. Any suggestions that might help
Cough after CABG: Hi my dad’s finally... - British Heart Fou...
Cough after CABG

Hi Alisonflea, glad your dad is home and recovering. Does he take Ramipril? or similar? One of the side effects is a tickly cough and such like. This may or may not be the problem. Also I had some fluid on my lungs that cleared within a few weeks but it did leave me with some 'rasping'. Best of luck to him, looks like he has the support he needs.Take care x

Could it be a minor cold/cough. If so, pop into a pharmacy with a list of his current medication so they can advise. Do not buy any of well advertised cold remedies as many up the blood pressure (a little advertised fact).
As has been suggested already, if he is taking Ramipril that could be the cause (it’s a well know side effect). He could try some deep breathing exercises as, again has been suggested, it might be fluid in the lungs (not uncommon post op).if it continues beyond a week I think a word with the GP might be in order.
Hi there as Alison..after my CABG I was encouraged to regularly cough as were other patients in hospital as to relieve the body of the mucous that's a result of the surgery...
I believe Perindropil also can cause a tickly dry cough. If it is really bad the GP may try a different drug or adjust the dosage. I had a more chesty cough for a couple of months after my CABG. It gradually wore off over the next couple of months. I did sleep propped up with 6 pillows for all that time, as I found it helped. I can now lie flat OK (4 - 5 months after the op).