Hi, l had an echo scan two weeks ago but still havn't heard a thing about it. Does anyone know if l will get a letter from the hospital or my Doctor? please. Thanks, Sue.
Echo report.?: Hi, l had an echo scan... - British Heart Fou...
Echo report.?

Hi Sue. My consultant actually did my scan himself & told me there & then that everything was ok but a letter followed later off my GP. If you are worried I would telephone your GP surgery.
My results went straight to the (respiratory) consultant that had referred me > - after a week of hearing nothing, I went to my GP and she very kindly left me a copy at reception to collect, but given that it was just numbers, it was difficult to draw any finite conclusions. After some time, I received a letter from the aforementioned consultant with his thoughts, but since he's not a cardiologist, I don't hold much store - he just wanted to refer me for more lung function tests to establish whether I had just COPD, or COPD & asthma!!!! He said my AR was moderate severe, but not referral back to cardio, so I've asked my GP to refer me ... you just have to keep pushing for info it seems..... unfortunately
It can take forever! My last one was 2 months ago and I know I need mitral valve surgery sometime. I keep ringing the secretary and the consultant has been on holiday or working at the cardiothoracic centre in Basildon rather than the local hospital.
The echo before that, which showed my leak was worse was done in January 2017 and I didn't get told the result until December 2017! But at that time I still thought I was in the 'you've got a moderate leak - come back next year' situation, so never bothered chasing it.
I was hoping to get my surgery done this year, but that is looking doubtful now.
All you can do is keep hassling the cardiology secretaries.
Your GP will be able to log in and see your results, my Heart Failure Nurse is my font of all knowledge, she checks my Blood Test results and any X Rays or Scans and tells me the Results which she feels confident in giving to me !! Don't think she would give me bad news without checking it out first.
Frank W
Call the hospital dept and ask, they wont often copy you on a technical report unless theres a simplified letter written for you.
Each time I have had an echocardiogram roughly, 2-3weekz later I get an appointment to visit cardiology consultant to discuss the results.
In actual fact had one 2 weeks ago just waiting for the appointment.
Haven’t u seen a doctor?
My report was written and sent same day as the echo, getting a GP appt for the result is a whole different ball game !
Hi Sue I had the echocardiogram and my doctor rang me the next morning, asking me to come in that day for the results
Lucky you l'm so jealous! Thanks for your reply, take care, Sue.
Sorry I didn’t mean to sound smug, but it might be that they are slow getting back to you because all’s good.They told me it would 5 days at least and I think my gp got me in because the results weren’t good. But I agree that it does seem a long time but keep positive and all the best
l didn't think for one moment you were smug l was joking. Have a lovely day and hopefully l will still be standing at the end of today, l am looking after my 3 Grandsons all under 8. What joy, bless them! So lm off to the park with a football at 9, wish me luck!! Sue x
I had an echo on June 13 and still no results. My GP has been trying to chase them up without success and I haven't had any joy with the hospital

Hi, your story worries me a bit. lt is 7 weeks today before l fly for the first time since leaving hospital to Spain on holiday, l wanted to know my report results to make sure things are OK. The pacemaker clinic is going to give me a check in the next few weeks to put my mind at rest and they tell me then and there all results. My echo was done in the same outpatients dept so l'm hoping to get some answers about my report when l attend if that's the last resort. Thanks for your reply, Sue.
When I was in hospital I discovered that you can ask the member of staff doing the echo what it has shown. I did this for my last outpatient appointment and she told me about a significant improvement in my ejection fraction rate. My cardiac nurse confirmed the results about a fortnight later.
I hope that your results are good too.
Hi, l did ask the tech for feedback but he said my heart was so complicated he had to see my Consultant to understand the results. Apparently it was repaired with medical mesh housing the AVR, stitches, a bypass synthetic vein and superglue.!!! My Husband was annoyed because he knew the details but kept it from me in case l worried. l actually thought it was very clever and lm still alive! Take care, Sue
I had an MRI on Monday and those results definitely have to go to the cardiologist. No questions allowed! The echo seems to be different but it might depend on the hospital policy and the technician doing the echo.
I referred my concerns to PALS (still no cardio referral) and got a letter from the respiratory consultant (!) . He was sorry I was upset; thought I knew that I had a heart murmur and would refer me (WOULD?! - I was expecting HAD).
I could make an appointment if I wanted to discuss my concerns with him. He then gave me a brief description of the wrong heart problem in IdiotSpeak ..you bet I'm making that appointment tomorrow....