Seems this is an animal tissue valve with a projected life of up to 25 years. Being offered by a few UK hospitals but as I approach my AVR surgery I'm wondering just how available this is and what experience or knowledge forum members have of this longer life , warfare free option?
Edwards Inspiris Resilia prosthetic ... - British Heart Fou...
Edwards Inspiris Resilia prosthetic aortic valve - anyone benefitted yet?

Hi IanGordon
I had this valve fitted in November at Glenfield Leicester. All good so far, a few set backs with AF and pleural effusion.
Lisa hi. When I started my journey I was not aware that this new, long life tissue valve was not only becoming available but also at Glenfield which is local to me. However my search for minimally invasive surgery took me to Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital where I will have my AVR but only with a 12 - 15 year valve. It's challenging to find the right route for your individual needs but this forum undoubtably helps. Good luck and prolonged good health with your cutting edge valve!
hi how's the valve one year on? I'm looking into this valve for my operation on the 5th information on post surgery would be appreciated
I guess the dilemma is that it will take a good few years for the Edward's claims to be confirmed. My surgeon had a fairly conservative view to this particular innovation so although he plumbed in an Edward's valve, it was not the new 'long life ' version. Having said that, at my post op echocardiogram, the operative there said that she's seeing valves with 20 years on the clock so valve life seems infinitely variable and random. However, if the leaf treatment of the Inspiris delays the inevitable re- calcification, then that must prolong its life and be a more attractive option, in my view, to life- long warfarin.
Certainly with the rate of adoption and wider availability, I would be looking to have the new valve, irrespective of the jury being out on the 20+ year life.
Good luck , Mike, whatever you opt for. In my experience it will be nothing less than life enhancing.
Hey Ian. I had an Inspiris in December but, irrespective of that, while in hospital and waiting for an X-ray met and got talkjng to a very nice chap who was in to have his (unspecified) tissue valve replaced after 15 years. So there's hope for all of us, whatever valve we have! But of course I hope the Inspiris lives up to its billing. Ask me maybe in 2028?! Hope all is good with you. Nic x
Hi Nic
Hope all goes well for you. 6 months on from your surgery I guess you're enjoying a new lease of life by now. Great respect for anyone who does cardio rehab in the winter - short, cold days and low light levels must have made it challenging for you. Thanks for the encouraging anecdote.
I'm kind of reckoning on 10 good years with a possible bonus, for good behaviour!
Live long and prosper
Hi Ian, I had this valve fitted at lhch on the 5th May, making a good recovery so far and back to see Mr Nawaytou in about a months time, I was told when I requested this valve it was the first time used in North West and involved some staff retraining, it was done via full sternotomy and involved replacement aortic root and ascending aortic graft and a cabs just for good measure.
Hi Ian,
I'm in the same position as you and wondering if I can be fitted with this new valve! Will be asking my cardiologist next month. I found this leaflet which made me feel more hopefully about getting the treatment I would like.