Hi All, I had a aortic aneurysm repair, and a aortic valve repair at the age of 29. I still get out of breath, and at times have extreme fatigue is this normal?
Aortic Anuersym: Hi All, I had a aortic... - British Heart Fou...
Aortic Anuersym
Hi Melony, welcome to the forum.
when did you have the procedure? If it was fairly recent it could be the recovery from that, possible post op medication as well. Have you got any follow up appointments? Maybe arrange a trip to your GP for some advice
I would agree it's normal if your op was recent. But I had a valve replacement and aortoplasty and was feeling pretty normal at a year out, and I'm much older.
Did you have a post-op echo? If there are no other issues with your heart you should have made a good recovery. Were you offered cardiac rehab? If you are on a high dose of betablocker that could be a factor.
Presumably you are having regular follow-up so I would raise this with your GP consultant.
All the best
Hello I just read your post and I just really wanted to know if you could share your experience or diagnosis of this? To have this at a young age I imagine is not as common and would like to know how you found this? I have started to have some occurences with my heart and I am still trying to find a diagnosis. It would be most helpful thank you.