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archizzy profile image
32 Replies


I have recently been diagnosed with Angina. Bit of a shock and my focus is on trying to reverse it and remove the calcium that has built up in my arteries. I have been reading about Vitamin K2. Has anyone else read about this? I guess if it worked Doctors would be prescribing it.

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archizzy profile image
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32 Replies
stevejb1810 profile image

I think the jury is well and truly out on this one. There isn't the body of scientific evidence out there to suggest it does anything as regards decalcifying arteries. It is approved in Japan for treatment of osteoporosis but I couldn't find it being approved for any specific medical need apart from that.

As far as I am aware there is no way to turn back the clock and 'unclog' your arteries. There was a study a little while ago that suggested large dose of statin (atorvastatin in this case) might help but from memory it was inconclusive.

I think your closing statement says it all really. The best things you can do now are manage your diet, exercise etc. etc. and try to not let it get any worse!

archizzy profile image
archizzy in reply to stevejb1810


Thank you for the reply. Clutching at straws. I usually trust the science.

Pianomanuk profile image
Pianomanuk in reply to stevejb1810

Check out the book ' prevent and reverse heart disease ' by caldwell b. Esselstyn junior. Also his website

Also the film 'forks over knive' all the above are about improving arterial health on a plant based diet and the clinical research to support this

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply to Pianomanuk

I don't think I'll bother .... if I wanted to be a vegetarian, I'd already be one!

Dhomewood profile image

Take a look at the research by Dr Dean Ornish and Dr Esselstyn - and watch the documentary forks over knives.

I had unstable angina in September. Had a stent fitted and have taken the advice of these guys - feel better than ever (not used my spray once!

Good luck


archizzy profile image
archizzy in reply to Dhomewood

Thank you for this. I have looked at both and have bought the Esselstyn and Fork Over Knife recipe books. I do eat a lot of vegetables anyway but will see what more I can do. I don't think I can go totally plant based though.

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply to Dhomewood

mmm, take a look at what they are trying to sell you too!! I have a real issue with 'science' that is trying to sell you something - be that a potion, supplement or, as is the case here, a recipe book! I venture to suggest you feel better than ever in very large measure because of the stent. I doubt you'd have been feeling as good without it, despite the change of diet. That is not to say your shouldn't try the diet, or indeed adopt it wholesale - it's not going to do you any harm and if it makes you feel better then that's great, but just beware the 'science'.

archizzy profile image
archizzy in reply to stevejb1810

Sorry by 'Science' I meant research by the British Heart Foundation and similar organisations to come up with a drug at some point in the future. Science can clone monkeys now for goodness sake. Surely a little pill to dissolve calcium in the arteries isn't too much to ask. :-)

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply to archizzy

Wish that life were that simple :-)

archizzy profile image
archizzy in reply to stevejb1810

There may be one: University Of Aberdeen

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply to archizzy

Ah, yes I saw this one and I agree it looks interesting, exciting even. But , there is always a but, the fact that its only in mice at this stage means that even if the effects are shown to work in man, it's someway off being available to the likes of us.

archizzy profile image
archizzy in reply to stevejb1810

Indeed. Small steps but they positive ones - so far

Marc68 profile image
Marc68 in reply to archizzy

That's interesting. If it is already being trialled then it is obviously deemed safe. If that is the case then why can't it be trialled for heart patients at the same time?

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply to Marc68

Because a mouse isn’t human! Just because it is being trialled in a mouse doesn’t mean it is either safe or efficacious in humans. There are many stages to go before patients can be given this.

Marc68 profile image
Marc68 in reply to stevejb1810

Of course Steve but this sentence from the article suggests it's past that stage...

"It has already been shown to be effective with diabetes and breast cancer patients".

Pianomanuk profile image
Pianomanuk in reply to archizzy

Thanks for this info

Dhomewood profile image
Dhomewood in reply to stevejb1810

Cholesterol test doesn’t lie though mate - and that’s now under 2!

stevejb1810 profile image
stevejb1810 in reply to Dhomewood

I didn’t say it did. But I’d be starting to get concerned at the now very low cholesterol count. Your body needs cholesterol and produces it’s own. There is evidence to indicate very low cholesterol levels can be associated with mental health issues. I do not know what constitutes low as far as the body is concerned but I’d certainly be checking it out.

Marc68 profile image
Marc68 in reply to stevejb1810

I'm also concerned about this and think mine at 2.1 is pretty low. My cardiac nurse told me at the rehab assessment that healthy people should look to stay under 5, and heart patients under 4.

Carokai profile image
Carokai in reply to Dhomewood

Thanks for that advice DHomewood.

I am trying a Vegan, Sugar Free diet because I have FH (Cholesterol between 9&10), cant take Statins or the new wonderdrug Praluent.

Could I ask how high your choloesterol was before starting your plant based diet and are you taking Statins as well?

I am getting pretty desperate to get my levels down and am happy to do anything on the dietary front I can. I am a 'normal' BMI, walk for 2-3 hours a day (35 miles a week), don't drink or smoke, so diet is really all I have left. I have had two HA's in the last two years and am trying to avoid another.

Dhomewood profile image
Dhomewood in reply to Carokai

Hi Carokai

I was up at 6 when in hospital

I was on statins but I’ve stopped now due to the aches and pains and so far managed to contain it. I’ve also lost 24lb in that time and all round feel so much better.

Best of luck to you

Carokai profile image
Carokai in reply to Dhomewood

Thank you.

I have ordered the book and will try it out. Who knows your message might just save my life.

I hope you continue to be well !!

Marc68 profile image
Marc68 in reply to Dhomewood

Hi Daren,

My level was 8.1 while I was in hospital but the cardiac nurse said the level can read higher than it normally is at that point so can't be taken as an accurate reading.

Pianomanuk profile image
Pianomanuk in reply to Dhomewood

I have spoken to doctor esselstyn on the phone. Am about to embark on this diet. Always ibterested in speakung to people who have walked the walk and how it is working for them

Marc68 profile image

This was discussed recently here...

archizzy profile image
archizzy in reply to Marc68

Thank you for the pointer. Very useful information. We live in hope I guess.

Marc68 profile image

I'm not saying the advice by Ornish or Esselstyn isn't correct but it's worth noting that nobody really knows for sure. There aren't any definitive answers and the medical profession still has a lot to learn, and/or prove. Until they do that, we have to be objective when looking at advice.

One thing is for sure, their advice of a plant based diet isn't going to hurt you so if you try it and it makes you feel better then more power to you. You hit the nail on the head... we all live in hope and look for the thing that will make us better but it may not exist. There isn't a "one cure for all" solution I'm afraid so we just have to do our best to manage the risk factors.

There are a lot of us that eat healthily, exercise etc but still have heart problems.. there's more to it than just these things.. inflammation for one, genetics, or perhaps an imbalance between sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. Most probably a combination of various things imho. Again, no-one really knows for sure.

minime01 profile image

ive seen it suggested niacin, serrapeptase and K2 can help with clearing arteries, I have no idea if its true of any of them. the trail done by Aberdeen uni looks like it could be promising. I think the drug was originally intended for breast cancer but the other benefits it showed were a surprise.

moving to a plant based diet brings with it problems within itself - you will not get all the vitamins you need such as B12. people on a plant based diet usually need to take quite a few supplements. Also on a plant based diet you will not get niacin in your diet because this mostly comes from meat.

Bike4500 profile image

As far as I’m aware it can’t be reversed. Having cycled 4200 miles on one cycle ride up to the point I had HT. I thought I was pretty fit. I didn’t need any treatment but docs said I was a bit over weight. So went straight round to slimming world. Followed there book to the letter and have lost one and a half stone in three months. I’ve still got 450 miles to complete circumnavigation of our coastline. But I will be a lot healthier when I do in April this year. Best of luck to everyone on here. Tony

gal4God profile image

Eat healthy. Good fat onli and low salt. Check food labels.

Augustus-6 profile image

I had 5 stents 7 years ago and had angina afterwards which i had never had before. I didnt go back as i was terrified they would give me more stents. I took herbs and the agina went until last feb following a chest cold i got angina back again despite the herbs i still have it. Im already a vegan but these doctors caulwell esselston john mcdougal etc all say it must be oil free not even nuts are allowed and all oil damages the lining of the arteries causing inflammation and the healing of this is plaque. I tried the diet but i was so miserable without oil.

minime01 profile image

i don't know what to think about this article... is it giving people false hope? I have no idea as ive read nothing about dr ornish.

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