Hi all,
Now in to my forth week after my valve replacement and I am really starting to see an improvement. I am not saying the first three weeks there wasn't any, just that I fell better most of the time rather than just 'occasionally'. I was informed that healing, in this sort of Op, is not a linear progression and they were right. There has been many backward steps or lateral steps, but overall the forth week has been forward. My mental health has improved a lot too. I think this is mainly due to my body healing, the pain being much more manageable (only on paracetamol 3 times a day now), and also being able to get out and about. I walked to the local shop, bought a newspaper, walked to the local pub for lunch, anything to get out of the house.
I am also part way through some counselling. I am not sure how I feel about this yet, but I am sure it wont hurt.
I have been very lucky to have such a supportive family, business partner and friends, none of which I could do without. I find talking and sharing has really helped me. I am really looking forward to cardiac rehab so I can meet other people who I can talk to.
All in all week four has been good to me and now I look forward to week five. It seems strange counting the weeks but when you are alone most of them time giving your self goals is important. For example, I have just had my six week appointment come through and I can't wait. Six weeks.....that really will be a milestone! Fingers crossed for some good reports.
Oh, P.S. my scar has started to heal nicely too. For those worried that it will be awful, don't. I was like that, but now I can see how much it has settled down already I feel much better about it. No more Frankenstein's monster!!