All ready to go in for my op today, bags packed, everything arranged with my workplace and my husband's, parking permi cancelled ( not much point paying out a fortune for three months when not using it), and hospital have just rung and cancelled my op! According to their paperwork I should get another appointment within 28 days, so will have to go back to waiting again. The paperwork also says that they might get cancellations at short notice i.e. a day, and will be in touch, but I told them not to bother cos I work full time and am not prepared to muck two firms about with no notice, especially as mine had already made arrangements to cover my job whilst I was off. Off to unpack my bag. 😾
Op cancelled: All ready to go in for my... - British Heart Fou...
Op cancelled

Oh you poor thing that is horrible, sorry to hear you are in limbo again. I guess you'll be chatting to work about the issue, while hoping they are understanding.
Good luck with it all
Thanks. Thankfully work are brilliant. I told them at my interview that at some point I might need time off for heart surgery, just didn't think it would be this soon after the first op. What I didn't expect was having nearly 8 months off last year, after having been in my job for 7 months, when my spleen went rogue, killing off my blood cells. Work were amazing and stood by me the whole time. That's another reason why I want to give them as much notice as possible.

'insert swear words of your choice'
thats not good Fredders, happy to hear your work are being very supportive, fingers crossed you'll be in soon
Oh Fredders i am so very sorry.
I feel your hurt and diappointment
I had 2 postponed but for medical reasons
Stay positive and focused
28 days will soon come around
Thinking of you
Jenny x
I was in bed ready to go for a CABG,
Porter and trolley arrived at the end of the bed, name tag checked, wife kissed, case packed ready for transfer to HDU off we GO. Pantomime Dame comes in dressed as an ANP Oh No you Don't Go Today it's cancelled. So got up got dressed Wife called to come and collect me off home we go.
The Cardiac Person to knock me out wasn't available ( tried 4 times to spell Anaetheist ) still can't get it right !!. Everyone was full of apologies, but I came to the conclusion albeit not easily that " it's the way it is " with the system we have which currently I wouldn't change for any other. It's not perfect we all know that but having been in an ER room in the US suffering a Brain Haemorrhage (leaking AVM ) and being asked did I have Insurance I know which system I prefer.
The NHS isn't perfect we all know that, but it is Excellent for Acute no place better in the World it's just the Routine and Admin that needs to get better oh and Planning for the Unexpected which is difficult because it is Unexpected !!!
Hi Prada, at least I hadn't got as far as even getting to the hospital. I agree about the NHS, having had two major surgeries already, first AVR and a splenectomy, I know I'm in the right country for treatment. Just a waiting game again, but thankfully apart from some breathlessness I am symptom free.

Agh, that's so frustrating! Thank goodness your work is so understanding, at least. My work is the same and it makes everything so much easier, doesn't it? I love that these experiences haven't dampened your appreciation of the NHS. I think it's so important that we voice our support for them, these days more than ever. Hope you get a new date soon and that things run smoothly from now on x
Thanks Laura. Had a lot of experience of the NHS since I turned 50, including a previous AVR and what they thought was blood cancer but turned out to be a rogue spleen, resulting in a splenectomy, and I can't fault my treatment whilst I was in hospital. The nursing staff, doctors, auxiliary staff etc were lovely, apart from one nurse who I hope was just having a bad day! Hopefully will get my new date within the next 2.5 weeks, otherwise got to go and have my pre-op tests done again.
Hi really sorry to hear that, it must be so frustrating, I am glad your work is so supportive and not adding to any worries, take care x
I hope the wait doesn't get to stressful for you and it isn't to long to wait. It is very frustrating to get such news especially when it's all last minute when this happened. Best wishes and keep us updated.
Sorry to hear of your cancellation Fredders. I guess your experience will help me to manage my expectations. Hope you are "sorted" soon. Best of luck.