hello people
It’s taken me sometime to get back to u all, but I’ve been very ill and didn’t speak to anyone for 3 days, inc people on the heart ward I’m now on.
I came in on Wednesday, not feeling great at all, but after seeing the surgeon he said I was too I’ll to have the op, He then confused me by saying he was thinking of Tavi again, and if the team he first asked still won’t do it, (due to my size) he would ll find a team that will. I have to say he has scared me a bit because he told me all the bad stuff about tavi.
Since Wednesday night I haven’t been able to breathe much at all and went into my shell, no tv, no reading, etc I just stared at the walls , it was frightening and u mean frightening
They decided yesterday to put me in water tabs as I had them no of flour on my lungs, I thought they were wrong but today all of a sudden I can breath pretty good at rest so I’ve suddenly decided to speak to ether world again
I’ll let you know what’s sad tomorrow but I don’t think the op will appear yet as the consultant is off for 2 weeks
Thanks to u all for your great support