I am going to a special family get together and I will be offered a glass of wine. I only used to have a glass on special occasions but have never had any since last year. Nothing at Christmas and New Year as I wasn't feeling right this was before I was diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease earlier this year. Does anyone know if its ok to have a glass of wine or not? The medication I take every morning is; 1 Bisoprolol Fumarate 2.5mg, 1 Clopidogrel 7mg & 1 Isosorbide Mononitrate 10mg. In the evening at dinnertime I take 1 Clopidogrel 7mg & 1 Hydroxychloroquine and at bedtime I take 1 Simvastatin 40mg. I should be rattling with all this lot! Is there anyone who is on the same medication as me and have they ever had any Alcohol? I know this is not important and I can just have water. Many thanks for any help.
Alcohol: I am going to a special family... - British Heart Fou...

hi there, not on quite as many as you, but we have a few in common. Clopidogrel, Bisoprolol and the statin. None of which preclude me having a drink, with the statin i was advised to drink plenty of water. Check the leaflets for any side effects for the others but really, one drink? Its life my friend, unless one side effect is instant death, i would probably have the glass of wine and a silent toast to myself for being alive and kicking, good luck
Hi skid112 thank you for replying to me. I forgot to mention that I take 75mcg Levothyroxine too but they are not new meds for me. Yes I hardly ever drink and it would only be 1 glass but it's good to know your meds don't stop you from having a drink. I like you saying unless one side effect is instant death you would toast yourself for being alive and kicking! Brilliant! Sounds just the thing! Now where is that bottle!? Ha Ha. Hick Hick!
I daily take:
1.4 x 500 mg tablets Metformin (prolonged release) 2000 mg total
2.1 x 100 mg Sitagliptin
3.1 x 2.5 mg Bisoprotol
4.1 x 75 mg Clopidogrel
5.1 x 40 mg Atorvastatin
I have NEVER been told not to drink alcohol, the cardiac nurse on her visit reminded me of the advised publicised amount which was more than I drunk anyway but did not say zero.
I like the odd drink, I like a cocktail, the odd glass of wine or a Bacardi and coke.
The word moderation is important here.
Obviously there are some medication where drinking alcohol is a no no but read the accompanying paperwork and you should be fine.
Thank you Heather1957 That's great so it looks like I've been concerned for nothing. I have hardly ever bothered with a drink but it would be nice to have one on a special occasion. I have had a read at the paperwork that's in the packets, it's long and I didn't see alcohol mentioned.
If you are seeing your Doctor or Nurse before the event ask them
If not ask your pharmacist if there is any interaction between alcohol and your medication
Hi, I am on very similar meds and was told I could drink with them and I do have the occasional pint OR couple of glasses of wine, but limit myself to that, and I have been ok.
Hi Caddy61 thank you for that. So taking the meds and having a glass with family later should be ok. The reason I was asking was because I was wondering if the meds would increase the effects of the alcohol as I hardly every have a drink and I might end up under the table!!! That would certainly amaze my family!
I take a few more meds than you daily and slightly higher doses, I still enjoy a glass of wine and the odd scotch.
A little sage advice my consultant gave me was have my first drink in the safety of my own home - if there are no side effects or issues then careful, moderate and responsible consumption is manageable.
Alcohol affects us all differently with or without meds therefore don't be overly concerned but let those who care about know and if you have an adverse reaction they are ready to respond.

Thank you MarkT60 that's good to know. Scotch too. I have a bottle of Glayva and Drambuie in the cupboard, they have hardly been touched and been there for over a year or more. So you never know...wonder if they have any beneficial effects!
Yes definitely a good idea to inform family members as to the impending episode of me trying a glass! Can't imagine how they would respond if I had an adverse reaction. Probably bedtime for me would be immanent!
I have just remembered if I ever have had a glass of wine my face goes very flushed. I read somewhere on the Internet that it could be caused by a lack of an enzyme but don't know what enzyme and don't know if it's ok or not. I remember many years ago if my Paternal Gran had a Sherry at Christmas time or New Year her face would flush. She never drank at any other time of the year. Something like myself it seems.
Many individuals flush with alcohol, wait until you're at the point where you use an "episode" to escape all the well meaning questions. Once you've told ten people at a gathering it becomes a chore.
One of my friends hands out a newsletter - I choose the "I'm not dead yet" approach but I know others who have an "episode" to escape. If I was going to do that it would be post alcohol consumption

Oh yes good idea.
I will never forget when my Father had a triple bypass operation at the age of 65. He was a regular drinker, namely everyday, and drank barley wines, which if you know anything about alcohol you will know that they are about 12% proof and very strong ales. They did his operation on a Tuesday and the Consultant came to see him on the Wednesday evening and asked my Dad how he was feeling. My Father answered that he was feeling fine but "could murder a drink". Typical we thought. To our surprise, the Consultant asked him what he drank and when my Father told him Barley Wines, the Consultant replied, "oh just the job. Nurse lets get this man some Barley Wines". The next day I went to see my Dad he was sitting in bed drinking a Barley Wine. Supposedly the Consultants view then, which has subsequently been shared with me by other Cardiologists, is giving the heart a little kick every now and then with some alcohol will actually do you good. Everything in moderation I am told.
Wow that's a good story. Thanks for that. So alcohol in moderation can be beneficial. Probably that's what's wrong with me as I have hardly ever touched the stuff. Now where are these bottles!
Yeah but what about alcohol and aspirin