Hello! I am looking for recommendations of emollients that I can use in and around my ears? There seems to be so many different ones available so I thought I was ask you for specific ones that have worked for you. Any tips welcome!
Psoriasis behind and around my ears - Beyond Psoriasis
Psoriasis behind and around my ears

Hi - Is it only around your ears?
And on my elbows, but they don't bother me as much
You can use above creams on different parts of the body, they are less powerful than Salic Acid Creams etc
As Omega 3's help to reduce inflammation in the body, I used to rub flaxseed oil (high in Omega 3's) on my hands and legs before I went to sleep at night. Whether it did any good I really can't say as I was doing many other things as well at the time. The oil permanently stained my sheets and the mattress. (I didn't have a cover on it). At the same time I was taking Mega Oil ( a combination of Omega 3/6 and 9) internally. That definitely worked for me and I continue to take it every day. It's important if taking the oil internally that it has the correct ratio of Omega 3/6 and 9 - Flaxseed oil doesn't. Udo's oil also has the correct ratio. The other thing that helped me was drinking natural alkaline water.
I ended up with psoriasis, and still get it if my body system is low, after a severe bacterial infection - scarletina. You don't have a lot at present so may benefit from seeing someone about what to eat and what not to eat to improve your system. I recently had a very large patch on my leg but as I got stronger healthwise - it gradually disappeared.
Wishing you all the best.
Consider Epaderm and Aquatious Cream in the bath and bathwater. The us of a Heat Lamp may also help
Sensitive areas, the eyes are a real problem, you need something that will not thin the skin around the eyes, so something like E45, or Epaderm may help. rub it on very thin leave it for a time then possibly wash or rub off excess.
Behind the ears and scalp you could again try about or a very thin coating of something similar, for example Betnovate, some of the other creams can thin the skin and it can scar the areas. With the aforementioned creams they will take away the flakes at various stages

Thank you x
I use betacap scalp application for my scalp psoriasis-AMAZING. And then I let it drip down and rub it into the ear psoriasis (behind the ear). That works a treat. Literally cured me of leaving flakes everywhere I went (assuming the other body parts were all covered up). I am also now using dermol 500 cream all over as a moisturiser and isomol gel as a shower emollient. Entstillar for the other patches on elbows, knees, ankles, bum.
When my ears get scaly I use coconut oil on them, it really helps
Ooh thank you! I've been using Epaderm for the last few days and it's definitely going in the right direction.
Try E45 cream or Eperderm, the problem is you need to prevent scarring so the skin needs to retain moisture. The use of Steriod Creams or similar will thin the skin. You want to prevent this as the skin around the ears is very thinYou do not want red scarring ?