Hi everyone,
I have recently developed guttate psoriasis across my torso and scalp over the past couple of months. I've had very small, short-lived bouts before but it's really flared up this time It doesn't seem to be going away. Does anyone have any tips for managing it (especially on my scalp - I'm so self-conscious)?
My brother developed guttate psoriasis when he was a few years younger than I am now and it got very bad. He did a lot of research and ended up getting his tonsils out which cleared it up! He still gets a little bit when he's run down but he's pretty much clear now. Has anyone else tried this and did it work for you?
Also, I've had bad hayfever for a number of years and also developed a lot of allergies recently, such as to apples, pears and nuts (I believe its oral allergy syndrome causing this) and I seem to be a bit gluten intolerant. I'm also having a histamine intolerance test on Sunday - hopefully, this will offer some answers! I mention all this because it's all autoimmune stuff that I think may be linked. Do many of you have allergies?
Sorry for the barrage of questions. I'm feeling a bit out of my depth and looking for any help from people who understand.
Thanks so much for reading!