Hi all,i've just joined today,I've had psoriasis since I was 10 years old,I'm now 47,I inject myself with Methetrexate once a week,the doctors told me I would grow out of it,that's a joke37 years later and it is worse than ever,have other people had experienced this.x
Psoriasis and me.: Hi all,i've just joined... - Beyond Psoriasis
Psoriasis and me.

That must be so frustrating jo-louise. Is your psoriasis bad enough to consider biologic therapy do you think?
I've not had it as long as you and it's not constant, though when it first appeared many years ago I was told a whole lot of rubbish, mainly involving mis-diagnosis and crackpot theories. Seems to me that doctors have wised up to this condition somewhat in recent years .... is that your experience?

Hi Postle2,over the years they have tried loads of different meds,you are right,when I was diagnosed many years ago,they just asked my Dad to come with me,they looked at his psoriasis and said I had it too,unbebievable really,they have muchly improved these days,I had 5 biopsies down and diagnosed me with Psoriasis Excematised,so a combination of 2.xxxx
hi jo-louise i to inject weekly with Methetrexate been doing that for the last 2 years before that it was tablet form i said to the doctor that it was not working so he told me to stop it and see with in two weeks i could not move very well and my skin was the worst its ever been all so i was told i would grow out of it when i was young now 60 lol now i just grin and bear it you take care
I know just where you are coming from. I'm on Methertraxte tablet form. They up my dose and nothing is working I'm worse than ever. I'm finishing of coming off it I'm not coping with it. Do you itch and burns and sore ? Jo
I did. I have had it since I was 2/3. Along with arthritis (since 16 mths old). My mum was told I would grow our of both by 12 then by 15. Still have both all over body and now 39. I think it's easier to deal with them if you have never known life without them. Makes you a stronger person I am told! On humira now but stopped working since having a baby last year so going onto stelara. Light therapy worked best but virtually lived at the hospital so can't really do that.
Hi Jane,it does make you a stronger person,you're right,sometimes it is hard though,you think a med is working,then wham,it stops straight away,stay strong Jane,sending you loads of love.xxx
i too have had psoriasis for many years over twenty un fact ive never been prescribed methotrexate in all those years , i have the disease mainly on my sc scalp no amount of lotions and potions has alleviated it, any tips?