Hello. I am really overwhelmed with life right now. There's a lot going on, from problems with my landlord to an inability to function normally. I've never felt so defeated. I will be out of my depression medication soon. I havent been outside in months. I'm tired of the hurt, both physically and emotionally. I'm trying so hard to be here for my two closest friends and I'm having a really hard time asking for help.
So little time. So much to say - Bereavement Care ...
So little time. So much to say
Hi Jennblank7734
A very warm welcome to our Community.
I am so sorry you're feeling so distressed right now {{{hugs}}}
It sounds as though life has been difficult for a prolonged period, and that in itself can have an affect on your mental and physical health.
You mentioned you have been supporting two friends and while that is commendable, you'll really need to reach out to them and explain that at the moment you could do with support yourself. That way you can least have a break from the responsibility, I'm sure they will understand.
Problems with your landlord really do take their toll as you've experienced and I am wondering if you have a housing support association that could help.
If you haven't been out for so long, the stress could be causing that and it would be an idea to have a chat with your dr.
We're always Jennblank7734 so please keep in touch <3