Your life does not stop in the face of grief. You are still you. You still have your interests and goals. If your grief is preventing you from pursuing activities that you enjoy or stopping you from reaching for new opportunities, you may need help finding your way forward.
Has all enjoyment left your life? - Bereavement Care ...
Has all enjoyment left your life?

yes I was a changed man forever after my son died.
That doesn't surprise me one bit, I can't imagine life recovering from the shock of losing a child, yet somehow you have to go on and try, and you certainly have done that Kenny I'm proud of you! <3
How do you move forward after a dealth? MY grandpa passed a month ago and I am still dealing with it but now I feel like Im making others depressed just by my presents.
Hi @Iris72Welcome to our friendly Community.
That's very sad and I'm sorry you are suffering.
You know it is very days since the loss of your Grandpa, and it will take longer to process than a month, grief is an emotion that tends to follow a process and also your emotions will come in waves, one day you'll feel you're making progress, the next you may feel you've gone backwards, but you will get there, I promise.
You were so close to your Grandpa, he was very special to you, have you made a memory boxes? if not do try, it certainly helps. Fill it with memories, photos, cards, little gifs he may have bought you. You'll find it so comforting to look through these when you are thinking of him, keep it close by, [I keep mine near my bed] and it really helped me.
You're always welcome here Iris.
Chloe <3