Are there Behcet specialists in Scotland,if no... - Behçet's UK
Are there Behcet specialists in Scotland,if not can scots access the new centres of excellence.
Excellent question I am seeing my rheumotologist tomorrow at Wishaw General.
I am afraid that due to devolution the Scottish health board has chosen to opt out of the English centres of excellence saying Behcets patients are well covered in Scotland (not what we hear from patients). The Society has a list of consultants for the UK that includes Scotland please email and we will send it. We also hope to start a Scotland support group soon, which we mean these issues can be better discussed.
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I saw my Rheumatologist on Fri last. I asked her your question and I was told that the health boards in scotland didn't feel a place of excellence was needed at the moment.
As far as I can gauge it is from the scottish government. They do not see the value in having a centre. I take it that Nicola Sturgeon would be the person making the decisions affecting us in Scotland. Once there is a support group were we can identify with scottish sufferers I am sure we could work for a change in this current situation.