The white bumps are surrounded by raw, red, painful areas in my throat and nose that aren't ulcers. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thanks ahead of time for the help.
Anyone get white bumps in the back of the thro... - Behçet's UK
Anyone get white bumps in the back of the throat and even in the nose? Dr. thinks it's inflammation but not ulcers related to Behcet's...?

Yes I do and I would imagine quite a lot of people here do.
Many years ago when I was a child I was constantly diagnosed with Tonsilitis and antibiotics didn't do a thing and I had them virtually all the time.......... It's later been said that this was probably behects rather than tonsillitis.
I have more of these pustules at the back of my mouth than I do around the front [gums etc].
Not all my ulcers/bumps etc look the same and some of them look like typical ulcers and some look like tiny painful pimples. Others are like blood spots, looking as if you have bitten your gum.
I have attached a factsheet from the Behcets Society website just in case you haven't already seen it.
This factsheet may help your Doctor to treat them irrespective of whether they are connected to behects or not.
Also if you type the word "ulcers" in the searchbar above on the right you will get lots of discussions that we have had in the past. You will see from these that the mouth ulcers/sores come in many shapes and sizes.
Hopefully this will help
Hi and yes always have from the onset. They are kind of sticky and if you touch or mess with them it's like a soft scab. They can be extremely sore at times and not too bad at other times and they do stay around for quite some time. I have had these ulcers, lesions or any other description on and off for 30 years and in my nose, throat, mouth, lips, down below and hands and ankles back of legs. In my case as I have described it is definitely Behcets. I mostly use CLENIL inhalers, sprays and drink CocaCola as it seems to have a soothing effect as I cannot even drink water, eat or brush my teeth when I get a bad flare.
Hope this helps.
Yes, and the doctor that diagnosed me said it is related.
Have you considered Oral thrush. I have had similar infections for many years which have been identified as thrush resulting from the use of prescribed steroids. It's purely a thought and could be something entirely different in your case.
From being a young child i suffered from tonsillitis. I think i had it once a month growing up. My family doctor didn't believe in tonsillectomies. Tonsillitis really peaked for me the week after I had my first child at 25 it was so bad I had to go to the ER. i didn't know about Behcets then. My tonsils looked like a car wreck and finally after 4 kids at 30 they were removed thank god. I did read that Bechets is related to tonsillitis
I didn't have mine out until I was around 20years and by that time mine too were pretty rotten. I have loads of scars at the back of my throat and my cheeks as well. I think Dr's assume it tonsillitis if it's ulcers on the back of the throat of a child..... when in effect it maybe Behects in our case.
Yes I do too, and strangely enough I used to suffer really badly with tonsillitis when I was a child. Had a bad attack of tonsillitis about 4 years ago and touch wood haven't had it since. Get the white bumps in back of my mouth and throat now though.
They are so painful at times that even drinking is like how I imagine swallowing razor blades would feel.
Hi Rose138,
Yes I have them at the moment really bad.
I was amazed to read Andreafm 's reply --Hi Andrea everything that you have written is incredible and spooky your history is exactly the same as mine. Thanks for the fact sheet link I've not read that one yet.
Sorry back to you Rose - The white blobs on the back of our throats looks and acts like tonsillitis but seems to spread further down inside the neck - ears and nose. They are BD ulcer / blobs regardless of what the Doc says.
I use dissolvable steroid tablets to gargle with only. Although mines pretty resistant at the minute.
My dermatologist gave them to me. He gave me Fuciden cream for the inside of my nose and ears which does work in tiny amounts. [ He is an excellent consultant and knows about BD].
The overall ulcers / blobs seems to cause me a temperature at the same time I don't know if that's the same with you?
If it continues I end up giving in to taking the steroid tablets for a week or two.
Hope this helps
regards MFG
I suffered horrendously with tonsillitis and was hospitalised in Scotland aged 18 whilst on holiday, and they were so rotten they removed them as an emergency. I gave full permission for them to take photos as they did say at the time they had seen nothing quite like the state I was in. Fast forward 20 years and I started with vasculitis migraines resulting in hospital admission. It does seem there is a connection with tonsillitis and behcets.....interesting for sure ! X
I really appreciate everyone's reply. You have all been very helpful.
I'm just echoing other people's links with Behcets and tonsillitis - bout after bout as a kid, then repeatedly in my 20s and 30s. Utterly awful - even being in a room for a few moments with a stick of incense burning would bring it on. Was always having to get emergency treatment. The only thing that cured it was to be on a low dose of daily antibiotics for a couple of years - 10 years on and I have NEVER had a bout since!!!!
Your desciption sure sounds like ulcer, but I never had some in my nose neither did I read something about it, ulcer will follow your digestive system from mouth to rectum and genital, ulcer on the skin look different for men, white spot without red and dry, for me anyway as for women I guess internally they must look like same as in the mouth, ouchhh anyone can confirm my last statement ?