I had a baby last March since then I have had a few minor flare ups and a couple major which is good for me. Before I had my little girl I had flare ups constantly! Since having a baby my big problems have been with my stomach with certain foods irritating me really badly, I think it being mainly gluten. I had bloods taken a about 4/5ish months ago for coeliac which came back normal and eventually my stomach had settled a lot. Now the last couple months I’ve had very painful stools but not constipation.. (also no piles) to the point where I’m actually crying because how much it’s hurting me to go! 9/10 I’ve experienced a lot of blood I’m unsure whether it is in or out of stools but either way it doesn’t seem normal.. my GP has now referred me on to a gastroenterologist for a colonoscopy. My last colonoscopy 4 years ago showed moderate ileitis. Has anyone experienced anything similar or had a colonoscopy repeated with new findings? I’m currently on 75mg azathioprine.