hi I have had bd for 15 years. I suffer badly with my stomach.and eyes . I have noe been diagnosed with depression. And finally I lost all my pip because the assessor said I was faking .
No hope: hi I have had bd for 15 years. I suffer... - Behçet's UK
No hope

Dear Debs1963
I am sorry to hear your PIP has been withdrawn and the additional stress their decision will have caused. It might be worth considering asking the DWP for a full copy of their assessment, which you are entitled to.
If you have a consultant perhaps they could help by writing a letter/report stating how this horrid illness affects you and your quality of life. Maybe Behcets UK or a centre of excellence might be able to assist? I think citizens advice may also be able to help if you decide to appeal.
Sending you a hug. Best wishes x
I’m so sorry you’re not doing well. I myself have felt hopeless in the past, and have also suffered from depression (including about my health issues). I am not from the UK and don’t know what pip is, but I hope you find someone to support you in getting it reinstated. Wishing you all the best
Morning Debs
I felt so sad reading your post. I know it probably won’t help but you’re not alone - I’m sure most of us have felt this way at some point. I was diagnosed 26 years ago and the biggest hurdle I’ve had is that most people cannot see or understand how it affects us. I know how much stress can affect our condition so personally I would take some time out and make a plan when you feel able to. Arrange to see your GP & consider calling any other professionals who might be able to help support your PIP appeal.
I’m not sure how this site works but please message me anytime if you want.
thankyou. I have been to see gp and citizens advice still no joy. I am now suffering with depression and really got no fight inme no more
So sorry you're having a rough time. PIP assessors have targets for refusing applications and I've been through the same experience. Please speak to your specialist or GP and ask them to support you. Everyone with this awful condition has dark times but you're not alone. Xx
You must appeal. Almost 70% cases get overturned. Get appt at your locsl CAB and they will help you . It's disgusting how we are treated just because our illness can be invisible. Don't give up you deserve help. Good luck and hope you feeling better soon
Hello, I am so very sorry that you feel so low. It’s no wonder. I went through a transfer from DLA to PIP last year. It is brutal and the assessors usually have no understanding of complex autoimmune conditions. They put me through two separate assessments, the first with a physiotherapist and the second with a mental health nurse. I was assessed for a total of 4 1/2 hours. I was so anxious and depressed but I got awarded it mainly I think because I provided every piece of medical information I had..letters, test results, diagnoses etc. PIP formats are deliberately simple and do not ask the in depth questions that DLA forms did. I used the Benefits and Work site to help me focus on what I needed to tell them about my condition and how it affected me. It costs £19.99 for a years membership and worth every penny. Put in for Manditory Reconsideration immediately to request that they take another look at your claim and provide them with any additional information you have. You cannot rely on the DWP to contact your GP and consultant. If you cannot face this process alone then get in touch with Citizens Advice who will go through it with you. Don’t give up, you are not alone. Good luck xx
Hi Debs1963
I'm really sorry to hear that and it can be so frustrating sometimes that we depend on other people judgements to make our everyday a bit better.
After 2 years of insisting with the GP to be refered to the centre of excellence they finally agreed. Then after another year of waiting I found out I was declined acceptance as my referal wasn't done right. Now been refered again and waiting again.
When I go to the doctor I even try to show them my ulcers and photos of skin lesions but they literally don't care, they don't even want to look at them.
It can be really frustrating but the best we can do is look after ourselves and insist and keep trying. For them is just a job but for us is our lives.
I keep getting told not to stress about it as it makes it worse. Yeah right!! Easy to say because it's not their health problems!
Hope it turns for the best soon for you!
Take care everyone and look after yourselves the best you can! None of us is alone in this.
Please hang in there. I dont have a solution. I am in the US and they thought my kid wa asz faking. We had to go and go and go to find a dr to help us. I wish u had an advocate as he xouldnt have done it himself cause he was so sick to argue
That is terrible please get the help of citizen advice bureau to appeal this rediulous decision
If you're on Facebook ask to join a private group called UK M.E. and Chronic Illness Benefits Advice Group. They offer fantastic advice and support and have helped lots of pe6appeal these cruel decisions. Good luck. Xx
People! Sorry x