I'm a Canadian living in QC. Our soon to be 17 yr old was diagnosed last year, but only now seems to be realizing what that means. It's like he had a year long delayed reaction.
Being a teenager is already hard enough (not the mention being a parent of a teen!), but bring in BD & the problems multiply! Lifestyle changes are hard for kids to accept. He had to quit the sports he loved because they always resulted in flare-ups.
Are there any teens (or parents of teens) on this forum who could help us get him talking more? He's become angry, depressed, isolates himself. I'm hoping that someone out there can give insight, or something to help us deal with this. Our happy-go-lucky dude is lost & we'd like to get him back!
His Drs are fantastic, but I think talking to other kids who are going through the same thing might help.