Rash: Has anyone ever got a rash like this or... - Behçet's UK

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Soph19 profile image
19 Replies

Has anyone ever got a rash like this or know what it could be? I've been quite tired and really stressed recently as well.

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Soph19 profile image
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19 Replies
belle623 profile image

Hi Soph

I have, :( i am sorry. Does it burn a little? I took my Methlypred and it helped. I would reach out to your rheum.

Feel better xoxo


Soph19 profile image
Soph19 in reply to belle623

Hi ash thank you for your reply, it does burn a little! Bit sore to touch and itchy as well

rooser1 profile image

i had something like that on my back and shoulders and we figured it was from an over hot shower (weird). it lasted about a week and was very itchy. i can pm a photo if u you like.

but if you say you're stressed you gotta remember that histamines run high during times like these so breathe and keep up on water on and sleep. always give it a week. don't forget- just because we are autoimmuny doesn't mean we can't get run of the mill "normal" weird shit too.

keep us posted.

Soph19 profile image
Soph19 in reply to rooser1

Thank you for your reply if you could send me a photo that would be great to compare!

belle623 profile image
belle623 in reply to Soph19

My Rhum calls it a Butterfly rash. Call mmon with BD and can take on many shapes or happen in different ares of our bodies. I am sorry, so terribly uncomfortable. Good thing to document for your next doctos app however.

:) ash

Hampo81 profile image

Hi Soph, I have been getting something very similar across my nose and under eyes... i thought I might have been lupus my rumy didn't think so she has tested my blood to rule everything else out with the likely hood it's Bechets... my rash seem to Become more intense with temperature changes more so coming indoors from outdoors, and coming out of a hot shower... I now only take a cool shower (total bumper) it seems to keep it at bay...

The thing is these outoimmune diseases all seem to cross transfer symptoms... and most 2 symptoms never look the same as it seems to look and feel different each person to another...

I'm sure the rashe will settle down soon enough, I know how you feel though it's hard work..

Anyway I wish you all the best don't let it bother you to much it doesn't change your pretty looks👍👍👍

billi profile image

Yes I've had this on the back of my ankles and legs. It was at the onset of my BD. I could hardly walk as it was so very sore. It was the reason I got my first disabled badge but nobody knew what it was as I wasn't diagnosed till years later. It did stop hurting after about 6 months and it left behind a mark as in your photo which if memory serves me faded away in about two years. Never had it since. Do see your rheumy and hopefully he can confirm It's cause as BD and you can get the right meds.


Cherrybomb7 profile image
Cherrybomb7 in reply to billi

Did you think you could also be getting gout as an added symptom?

SelinaL profile image

This looks like a lupus rash. Hope you feel better soon xx

Pvancourt profile image

Oh shoot, yes I got it on my sternum and it lasted 5-6 weeks. I went to a dermatologist and she scraped some skin and had it tested. It was a bacterial infection, but different than what's she's ever seen....go figure it's the story of my life. I was prescribed a cream that I used for a couple more weeks before it started to go away. It burned occasionally, itched and got super irritated after a shower. If this sounds like your symptoms I'll try to find the name of the cream I was given. I also happened to be going through a stressful time as well. It will get better, but I'd make an appointment with a dermatologist...I waited way too long.

I hope you feel better soon!

Soph19 profile image
Soph19 in reply to Pvancourt

Thank you for your reply, it does itch occasionally and does get irritated after a shower! I'll try and book an appointment for next week and get it sorted😊

Cherrybomb7 profile image
Cherrybomb7 in reply to Pvancourt

Yeah I love a Dr. Terms when they have no idea? Wow never seen this before usually you end up with a cream with some antifungal in it but if it burns or itches I ask for Prednisone and bathe in Dawn liquid soap because it dries and if it itches to much Vicks vapo rub .I know sounds funny but takes away itches and pains . Has mentho and camphor. Or I rub straight alcohol if I'm desperit. And u ignore Dr. Then if it dries to much just add antibiotic cream like triple or Neosporin

2106 profile image

I used to get something like that on my chest after I had a shower and washed my hair, changed my hair shampoo and have not had it again. Mine used to itch like mad. Hope you feel better soon xx

distanttree profile image

Orange juice and I can be sure of a rash.

Concentrated orange is worse than fresh, the reaction is more severe.

Jaxxi profile image

If your skin is irritated after a shower, try using only shampoos and shower products that are free of SLS and similar detergents. I use a mild glycerin soap on the bod and a 'no shampoo' soap on my hair and my rashes and scalp sores are almost non existent now.

Matilda53 profile image

That's a classic lupus butterfly rash. It's not unusual for a negative blood chemistry initially. If it continues, insist on periodic testing when the rash is present.

SimonA87 profile image

That rash could be any number of things so don't accept any diagnosis based on the photo alone. Blood tests would be needed to help identify any issues.

You may want to show the rash to a dermatologist if it doesn't fade within a day. If you've just come out of the shower, it could be "heat urticaria" also known as hives. Antihistamine might help relieve the itching.

Soph19 profile image

Thank you for all your replies and sorry for the late one! It doesn't appear when I have a shower I notice it's normally when I have a bad flare and it can last between a week to 2 weeks. I tried antihistamines and it didn't take it down so I don't think it's from an allergy. I had bloods done about 3weeks ago and my appointment that was due on the 25th has been brought forward because the consultant wants to see me asap!

Curly1430 profile image

Hi have you started any new meds it does look like butterfly effect rash but do get it checked and always take photos and keep them iv done this since start of my behcets because more often than not by time u get to docs things are away I thought for years I was going mad well prob was lol but do get it checked

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