Hi everyone I hope this warm weather is not effecting you as much as it is me. I'm always sweating hydrated all the time even with drinking plenty of water. Got a chest infection to so fever all over the place. This post is asking for any one that has had a problem with the end off your foreskin being really red angry and really sore. Ulcers I have had and can live with but this feeling is terrible feels like skin around it is tight burning feeling. I know it's nit a nice subject to talk about but really sore and with all other joint pain mouth ulcers back and hip pain just need to know if any one else has had sore foreskin.
Bechets: Hi everyone I hope this warm weather is... - Behçet's UK
Hi Pete11, cannot help personally however noted another man named Daveholli posted this on the group 5 months ago which my be helpful: healthunlocked.com/behcetsu...
Good luck, Gillian
Many thanks Gillian I appreciate you going through old post to dig this out. Thank you very much
Reactions to certain foods can cause irritation of genitals and chest.
Concentrated orange juice is worse than fresh orange juice. Whole oranges ugh..I now peel oranges and suck out the juice and throw everything else away...don't do this in company...
Tomatoes..coffee tea..chocolate...bit less with cocoa... uhg reactions..and others..keep food diary.
If the body is reacting soda water..antiacid tablets...eat calming alkaline foods. Tumeric helps.
Keep food diary.
Keep food diary.
Keep food diary.
I will keep a food diary thanks.
Being a girl, not had your problem exactly but genital ulcers none the less. I stopped taking anything anti-inflammatory, and it worked for me. That was about 4 years ago and I only had another ulcer - massive, awful - when I inadvertently applied anti-inflammatory cream. It may not work but it is worth a try. You could apply sudocreme, which I use. It is good enough for babies! I now take 150mg of azathioprine and rarely get mouth ulcers now, and if I do they are nothing compared to what they used to be. Hope this may help a little. Good luck, hope things improve soon.
Forgot to mention - as well as keeping a food diary which has been suggested and is a good idea - will do myself I think, avoid food with anti inflammatory properties. A friend recommended Turmeric to me, BUT it has natural anti-inflammatory properties I think - I may be wrong. Even a hint that it might was enough to put me off. Pineapple is another no..