Anyone.A lady called me from disabilty office asking me questions, telling me it's important to get this information to determine the eligibility of the claim. My question. If they always deny you the firest time, why do they call to get information? I have a lawyer who just tells me to keep him updated on anything recent going on with my health, doctor, meds, physical therapy ect... Has anyone been approved from disability the first time appling?=/ Thank you. God Bless. Sincerely, Ann Marie.
SSA: Anyone.A lady called me from disabilty... - Behçet's UK
I was turned down for pip the first time but won on appeal ! In my experience the assessors have no clue about behcets so the more back up information you can give the better ! Also make sure you tell them at your assessment how it is fore you on your "worst " day
Thank you so very much. I applied Dec 22, 2015. Haven't recieve any Denial letter yet. I pray they take the time. Go through all of my Doctor, Hosp., ect... educate themselves on the disease, & hopfully Dnt deny me. I have a lawyer. I. Dnt know if this helps on getting approved? Again. Thank you! =) please keep in touch.
I'm sorry to bother you. I had a question. I applied over phone. I dnt know what she had put as appling for? I know. The woman asked if I had minors. I said. 2 gave names, & birthdates. I know there's a early retirement disability. I believe? I just pray my lawyer is able to get me approved the first time. Again. I appreciate you, thank you!
I needed some encouragement. THANK YOU!!! =)