I have been asked a few times to take this medicine but I have read such conflicting reports about the drug, so not sure whether to try it or not. Just wondered if anyone is taking this and if they have found it worthwhile? Thanks
Does anyone take Methotrexate for their Behcets? - Behçet's UK
Does anyone take Methotrexate for their Behcets?

I have been taking methotrexate for nearly 2 years now. I started on tablet form (8 2.5mg tablets once a week) & noticed an improvement in my skin ulcers etc within a month but not such an improvement in the joint pain. I was put on to injection form after about 9 months which was much better. I didn't get the nausea & because my body doesn't absorb things properly found I had even better results with the severe joint pain I have. I would recommend you try it. I've had good results but what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. I hope you have the same good results I have. Good luck.
I took it for quite a while I.e a few years but i suddenly became sensitive to it and had tummy troubles. I am no on mycophenalate mofetil and it has been working well for me.
Hi there. Give it a try. I have used it for 17 years side effect free. Right now it is not doing the full job but I would not stop taking it. I am on 25mg orally. My daughter also takes it for behcets at 17mg but not much success. She gets terrible fatigue on the day she takes it and the next and has nausea and headache. So really you have to give it a go unless you are considering pregnancy.
I took it for a year with no success at all
I have taken it for 15 years and yes there are some side effects ,but I have found them not as bad as the pain I was having in my joints ,and I now manage on a small dose of 10mg and am not pain free ,but the dose is low enough that I no longer have side effects .
its worth trying
I believe that one drug is good for some patients, and not so good for others. This is one of the difficult things about prescribing drugs for Behcet's disease.
Personally, Methorexate was a disaster for me. I have severe kidney impairment and could not absorb it. The only thing was that it made my quality of life much worse due to the fact that my severe joint pain was not improved at all by it and lethargy set in. However, I know some people are finding this drug very helpful.
I think you ought to try it if that is what your consultant has advised. Sadly, we all have to face a 'suck it and see' situation with drugs.
Good luck. I really hope it works for you. Do not be afraid, because it is tried and tested drug which has been used for many years. There are side effects to all drugs, that cannot be denied. Sometimes one person will find them overwhelming, where another does not.
Best wishes.