Hello all. I got a diagnosis of breast cancer last Friday. Having a masectomy next week. Just wanted to know if anyone has had this awful battle as the optiond such as radiation are not ok for us due to skin burning. Much love all. Jazzy.
Breast cancer battle: Hello all. I got a... - Behçet's UK
Breast cancer battle
Hi Jazzy, so sorry you have to go through this as well as all the rest. Life seems so unfair at times but with your wonderful attitude and sense of humour I know you will pull through. I had cervical cancer 33 years ago now, found after birth of first child. Had lazer treatment a couple times, some meds and then checked regularly until my 5 year all clear. Seems like I'm talking about someone else now at the time I was very young and to be honest not sure how I felt but I got well!!! And so will you. Two of my dearest friends have had breast cancer recently and went down different routes of treatment but both are absolutely fine and enjoying themselves as usual. If you need to talk, please email me. Don't be shy......I'm not....lol lol.
Hugs and more Hugs
Billi x
So sorry to hear that Jazzy. Make sure they give you really good pain relief post op....it could go on for months and not all docs are up on pain management.
I haven't had breast cancer but am just over 2 months into recovery from having a squamous cell cancer removed from the side of my tongue. Major surgery on the tongue and all lymph nodes removed on one side of the neck. Has been a really long recovery but as I approach month 3 I feel I'm getting somewhere at last
Are you with a specialist team that can liaise with your surgeon to minimise the side effects? That will be really important for you.
Keep in touch. Hugs and kisses
Jayne xx
Bonjour Jazzy, j'ai été confronté à un cancer du sein en août 2010. Chimiothérapie (6 séances, chacune à 3 semaines d'intervalle, masmectomie et reconstruction immédiate par DIEP en janvier 2011 et immunothérapie pendant 1 année (1 séance toutes les 3 semaines). Aujourd'hui ça va, je suis suivi régulièrement chez mon oncologue (tous les 3 à 4mois à peu près). J'ai toujours pas mal de rendez-vous et d'examens chez les autres médecins aussi (immunologue, rhumatologue, médecin interniste, ophtalmologue, neurologue). Mais heureusement je suis bien entourée par mon mari, mes filles et mes petits-enfants. Je vous envoie plein de pensées positives pour la suite de votre traitement. Cela vaut la peine de se battre, la vie vaut la peine d'être vécue malgré les épreuves qu'elle nous met sur notre chemin. Soyez un peu égoïste, pensez à vous et laissez-vous choyer. Je pense bien à vous et si vous avez des précisions à me demander, si vous avez besoin d'un peu de soutien, je suis à votre disposition. Amicalement Lililo
Thank you for this.
Oh,mate, it never rains yada yada.
I have no experience of breast cancer that I can call on to help you I'm glad to say, although I have other issues that help me to understand a bit how you might be feeling just now - and yes, life is unfair; very unfair.
All I can do is send my loving support and healing thoughts and let you know that I'm here - either in open forum or in private message - should you want to shout obscenities at the world xxxxx
Jazzy, I'm truly sorry to hear this and will be rooting for you- which day is your operation on?
My sister has BD, bladder cancer, and is having a colonoscopy next week to check out some more symptoms.
I think BD makes fighters out of a lot of us, and you are certainly one of those, but do please take as much support, love and care as you can get - seek psychological/emotional support as well as practical if you can. Sometimes we just need to throw our hands up and say, ok, I'm strong, but that doesn't mean I don't need a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on or a ton of chocolate to eat sometimes!
Very best wishes,
So really sorry to hear this - will be thinking of you next week. I do hope it goes as well as expected.
Hi Jazzy - all I can say is the same as above, be determined to beat this latest trial. All of us will be thinking of you!
Wishing you all the best . Jazzy, My mum has had breast cancer. 1st diagnosed when she was 55 and she had a mastectomy at this time.. Unfortunately it returned in the same breast 5 years later.. Just a word of warning, make sure they always check the effected breast as future mammograms only check the remaining breast.. It was through nagging that they agreed to check the scar again...This is not intended to worry you even more.The good news is that my mum is now 73 years old and is fitter than me. (although she is not the one with BD, I am), but just wanted you to know that there is a future with this. So in the words of my mum Kick this cancer thing in the arse and show it who is boss!!!!.. Take care. Keep us updated and if you ever have any questions then feel free to ask.
Oh Jazzy
What a shock and a blow for you. My aunt had a double mastectomy some years ago now and it save her life.
Such a lot to take on board with having behcets as well...will be thinking of you and hope all goes well
Take it easy