Hi looking some birth control advise please. I am 22 and I am in a relationship with my boyfriend since I was 17. I want to protect myself from getting pregnant. Since being sexually active, I have tried different birth control methods. Originally, starting with the combined pill. I was awful at remembering to take it which meant I had to experience a period multiple times within one month. I also found using the combined pill I did not have a high libido. I only had a good libido when I was on my break from the pill. In the past I have stopped using the pill and just relied on condoms, however it was always a worry weather condoms were effective enough at preventing pregnancy. This made me want to get the bar in (contraceptive implant).I got it in on June 2021 and it has really been a journey. At the start I thought it was amazing no period, no having take a pill everyday basically no worries. But from July I started experiencing spotting which lasted right up until October. Thankfully from October onward my periods have spotted altogether. However I now am faced with two issues from the bar. I am currently experiencing awful acne in my chin, this started in October my GP gave me a cream for it which did not make a difference. Since 30th December 21 my GP has put me on antibiotics for my spots called Lymecyline, so far I have not noticed a difference in my acne it still remains the same hopefully by the end of March it will go away. The second issue I am going through due to the bar is my libido, I have noticed it has decreased dramatically and I do not know what to do. any help would appreciate it. I am currently considering maybe getting the bar removed and going on the mini pill as I have heard it does not affect libido but I am not sure if it can improve acne. `
Birth control help PLEASE : Hi looking some birth... - BASHH
Birth control help PLEASE
I think you will need to speak to your gp or nurse to find out what may be the best option for you.Sadly the only 100% effective with no side effects is abstinence,but certain types of contraception pills may suit better. Or perhaps the depot 12 weekly injection?
Also sad that there is no option for the male partner to bear the responsibility of contraception and the side effects - but that's how it is.
I think the natural method you have posted about subsequently is best used by couples who are not 100% against becoming parents.
Hi try the Sudocream for your acne as it is very effective. But it does take time to clear away but hopefully it should improve it. Sorry don't have any advise to offer you with regards to birth control methods you mentioned.
Hi Dorry, I put a long reply on your other post regarding tracking your cycles in order to prevent pregnancy. It's a very successful method when used correctly. I've successfully used it for a number of years now.
I’d just add that it doesn’t seem right the libido return on your 7days pill free time as that is not actually a real period- just a chance for ur body to shed lining in a mimicry of a period.. so you may want to try the combined pill again but with a different combo of progesterone/estrogen to avoid inflaming your skin also.
What do you mean by the bar? Is it an Internal Uterine Device? I have the Mirena IUD but for different reasons using it than yours. However, it has been working good for me. It is basically a progesterone only kind of contraceptive. My daughter on the other hand is using the progesterone only pill Cerazette. She too has the side effect of acne once she started on it. Perhaps the dose is too high for her with this particular brand or the synthetic form of this progesterone does not suit her. There are many brands out there to try with the progesterone only pills. You just have to try it out and see if the acne goes away. I would suggest going with a brand with the lowest dose first like 35 microgram, which is the dose the Mirena has to start out with.
By the way, to offset the hormonal imbalance that my daughter is still having to counteract the hormonal acne, I have tried to give her supplements to address this problem. You can google "supplements for hormonal acne". My daughter has some improvements with Kallistia Acne Cleanse supplement.