I’m a bit worried currently 5 weeks 5 days following 2 consecutive miscarriages my most recent being October 2020.
I have pain in my neck / collar bone area and I’m so worried about an ectopic. I don’t know if to call it pain its more like an ache and I don’t have any bleeding or pain. I have general pregnancy symptoms, sore breasts, bloating, lower back aches and tiredness but now I’m worrying about this aching sensation in my neck because I’ve googled a bit too much and have convinced my anxious self it could be that. Has anyone experienced the same and been ok? Have I just slept funny? It seems to only ache when I move not while I’m laying or sitting
I have an early scan booked for Tuesday coming shall I wait to then? I have to contact my gp on Monday is it worth mentioning to them? So manh thoughts right now