I’ve had a cottage cheese like discharge for about 10 days, only noticed after sex no actual discharge in my underwear. Treated with canesten pessary the beginning of last week. Still the same by Friday. Bought flucanazole took one on Saturday. Monday I inserted a tampon to check and had a very light pink discharge all over it, again nothing in my underwear or when I wipe. Took another flucanazole on Monday. Checked today still the same discharge. No smell. Saw the doctor, she took a sample said it was thrush but wanted to get it tested as the drugs haven’t done anything, she said there was quite a lot. It’s going to take a few days to get results. I’m obviously worried.
Any ideas? I’m not leaking this discharge and it’s not present on wiping. I have one sexual partner, we have a fairly healthy sex life. Never had an issue before although I have on occasion suffered spotting after sex. Nothing major, literally a little bit of bloody present.
I had some abnormal changes in my smear early this year but was told nothing to worry about.
Any ideas anyone?