Does anyone know the cause of this? Or what might cause it? Haven’t stumped my toe and it’s only on this nail ?
Vertical brown line on nail? : Does anyone know the... - BASHH
Vertical brown line on nail?
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Are you taking any medication ?
This is likely what you are experiencing. The line on your nail isn’t necessarily dangerous or a sign of disease, but it does indicate you really need to be absorbing all of your nutrients properly.
Consider seeing a doctor for now (and definitely a nutritionist) so you can develop a health plan that will make sure the only side effect you ever experience is the line on your nail.
It’s not a ridge it seams to be a line under the nail
It could from a medication that has a dye in it. Have you taken phenazopyridine? That is one example of a medication that can distribute orange/red dye to tissues in the body. Sometimes you can even see the hue of the medication in the whites of the eyes.
I hope you figure out your health mystery. Take care.