I noticed something on my penis and idk whether it’s irritation or an STD? Should I be worried? Please help
Irritation or STD?: I noticed something on my penis... - BASHH
Irritation or STD?
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I cannot see anything that looks like an STI on this picture. Could you please indicate what you are worried about ?
It looks irritated at times, and there’s like a dark spot
You need to upload a picture and indicate the dark spot you are worried about. Almost definitely that's not an STI. STIs don't cause pigmentary changes. Even with zoom I cannot see anything on the uploaded picture
I posted up a new picture. Nothing is growing on it, it’s smooth but it just looks irritated and dry cracked skin at times.
Ok so its a little difficult as there is too much flash . I think I can see the darker area, which looks like mole tissue ( naevus ) but could be post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. I cant really see anything else because of the flash, I would suggest you attend a sexual health service for assessment because its much easier to comment on your skin under normal lighting and examination.
I put up a new picture, idk if it gives a better view.
Is there pale skin around the waterworks opening ? I cant tell if there is , or if its the flash
No there is not, it is just my normal color. I added a new picture without flash. I live in California.
Ok. Its still not clear to me whether some of the skin around the opening is paler than normal which could indicate a skin condition called Lichen Sclerosus. Sometimes you can get post inflammatory hyperpigmentation alongside this. I would recommend you attend a sexual health service, dermatologist, or possibly a urologist for assessment. If your main concern is an STI, this doesn't look like that