Hey, about maybe three or four years ago I got the Rod implanted into my arm, i got it taken out probably a year and a half maybe two years ago now and ever since then I I've been getting recurrent thrush and BV prettty bad.. (like almost every month) (after my period) Im going to ask for some advise... has any girl on here had or have had the rod and experienced thrush or bv after it has been removed. I never dealt with thrush or bv let alone known what it actually was beforehand. And before i got the rod inserted at the age of 14/15 (i am now 19) i never got thrush EVER! should I go back on the implant to maybe stop the thrush and BV?? with the rod I Didnt have an issue what so ever, has any1 else got the rod & experienced thrush or bv because of it? Or gotten it removed and delt with it then like myself? **some comments would be reaaaaallly helpful** thanks guys im stressed
The rod.: Hey, about maybe three or four years ago I... - BASHH
The rod.

Hi Quietmouse,
You didn't mention if you still got bleeds with the implant or not ( some women don't have bleeds ) Bleeding can certainly be a trigger in some women for bacterial vaginosis ( BV ) which might explain your post menstrual symptoms. The first step is to make sure what the exact problem is. A sexual health clinic can do some special tests to identify what the problem is and the best way to manage it .
No, i never used to get my period when i had the rod although i bled for a month or 2 straight after getting it. But in my younger years (12-13-14) i still had periods before i got the rod and never had a problem with thrush. So when i usually get my period could it be a trigger for bv or thrush? Pretty sure i get an infection after every period anyway its just hard to analyze the symptoms as they are alot the same. (I dont get fishy discharge when i get bv, & thrush also causes watery thin discharge for me, so its hard recognizing the 2)
Well yes people don't always have to have all of the same symptoms - you can have BV without odour - and you can have both BV and candida at the same time. If you are in the UK , your sexual health service can do tests when you are symptomatic and identify on the day what is happening. GP tests are less sensitive. and yes bleeding ( which changes vaginal acidity ) is a known BV trigger .
Ok so when i finish a period you think it could be a trigger for bv & not thrush? I am in Australia not the uk but doctors here are usually pretty good although they dont really specialize with thrush and bv they just give u antibiotics and your on your way haha. Thankyou for the help. Much appreciated
no problem at all. In Australia a good deal of sexual health is done by family doctors. remember swabs from the vagina are not always 100% sensitive and that's why clinic based microscopy is better - but this would only be accessed in an urban clinic. Often docs prescribe based on symptoms - but you can have both issues at the same time. check here sexwise.fpa.org.uk/stis/bac... . Also stis like chlamydia can trigger BV so I would make sure everything else is ok.