I was just diagnosed with type 1 genital herpes and I have no clue how I got it. I don’t let my partners do oral sex because I’ve had issues with yeast infections and I always use conforms. I’ve never been so upset and I feel so disgusting... I have also never been in so much pain. I can’t stop crying. Does anyone have any tips for trying to poop? I haven’t pooped in 3 days because I’m so scared, I tried a few times and I just can’t do it, I scream and cry.
Just diagnosed with type 1 genital herpes - BASHH
Just diagnosed with type 1 genital herpes
Hey! You can still get it off condoms unfortunately but you have nothing to be ashamed of, Herpes is so so common just people don’t go walking around with a big sign on their head saying they have it! Don’t go looking on google because that’s what I did and there are some websites out there to scare you to buy products you just need to look on the nhs website or the herpes.org website it is very useful! Just learn the signs of an outbreak and be honest with sexual partners! You’ll be surprised that most people are ok with it and possibly have it themselves! There are treatments out there such as acyclovir tablets which help breakouts stay away. I took these for a year and I think had one outbreak in that time. I now take them only when I have outbreaks which can be once a month but they’re very safe to take! Thus website is amazing because you can talk to people about their experiences and what works well for them. Good luck!
Thank you so much for replying! This is just something that’s a lot harder on me mentally than I thought it would be
I’m the same sometimes it affects me more mentally somedays but then I think I’m not the only one to have it, we all deal with it in our own way, with regards to going to the toilet, there is a cream you can buy called lidocaine I think it’s meant to numb the pain of the blisters although I’ve never tried this x