I was diagnosed in February 2017 with genital herpes. I was with my long term boyfriend when I found out, I had terrible blisters and they was so painful. I went to the doctors thinking it was thrush, I then got told otherwise... I told my boyfriend that it was herpes and he couldn't get away fast enough. He was my second sexual partner, I am only 21. Since then I have had countless outbreaks that are all painful and I'm finding it quite hard to cope. I haven't been with anyone else sexually since and I have just been put on aciclovier permanent to control the outbreaks as I've had 6-8 outbreaks this year!! I feel incredibly lost and alone, and quite frankly I feel disgusting most of the time. I am poorly a lot due to me not having a strong immune system and this gets me down a lot. I came across this site a year ago and haven't had the courage to write anything, but have been reading about all your experiences and I just wanna know, from other people with experience... does it get any better? I am struggling even after nearly 2 years with this.
Thankyou xx