Hi guys, I'm new here! I just wanted a bit of advice as I am quite worried, I recently had unprotected sex with a guy (Friday night) and have since had a very watery green discharge it is also quite painful to pee, any help would be greatly received!
Possible STI???: Hi guys, I'm new here! I just wanted... - BASHH
Possible STI???

You need to get checked! Nip to your GP, or find your local clinic here:
Don't worry - if it's not an STI then they can still help.
I think you need go to local Gp and also have protected sex all the time.
I'm sure you can buy a test over the counter to test for STD's you could try that !
There is no test in UK for STIs that you can get over the counter! If there is a chance that you have an STI then this needs to be checked either by the doctor or at the clinic
If you're between the ages of 18-24 you can get a chlamydia/Goni test free over the counter in most pharmacies/clinics! I believe if you are out of the age range you can buy the tests too (want to say they're called FreeTestMeKits?)
They're simple pee and swab kits but do not test for all STI's.