hi I have been itchy for about a week now and on Friday my Virginia lips started to hurt when I wee so I took a look and had a few white lumps since them more have shown up and it really hurts. Been withmy partner for ten years and both have never cheated so no its not an sti
Help please : hi I have been itchy for about a week... - BASHH
Help please

tezza488..I would strongly suggest to going to your local GP as soon as possible . If you find it difficult to get an appointment then definately go to your local GU clinic as soon as you can . Not only can they do tests for you but can also offer medication to help ease the symptoms . The GU clinic can identify if it is Thrush also which is easily treatable . I would suggest painkillers when you can but make the appointment asap . GU clinics have a walk in days but you can be there for some time..hope you feeling better soon
Hi, it could be a skin virus called herpes( cold sores) if the lumps were blisters and have broken into ulcers. It could also just be blocked glands. I would go to a sexual health clinic as they are the specialist in caginal skin and will help you. Heroes can be passed at anytime in a relationship and doesn't mean anyone has had other partners. Have either of you had a cold sore on you mouth?
Go into a clinic, it could just be infected hair follicles but they will sort it and put your mind at rest
I have herpes simplex and it has now formed down below instead of occurring where it usually does so get yourself checked out! Mine occurred when on holiday from sunbathing caused a chemical reaction. Herpes is dormant in some people's genes and skins so just get checked out it doesn't have to be from a cold sore x