My LG has come up in sort of spots. More like blotches. They look like the stings you get from stinging nettles. She has three on her chest. One on her shoulder. Two near her belly button. One on her hip. One on her ankle. She hasn’t eaten any new foods. We haven’t changed our washing detergent. We don’t have a cat or a dog and it hasn’t been that hot today. We haven’t been near anyone else. LG was sick twice today. Once not long after she ate all her porridge and once this afternoon after nursing. This is a tad unusual for her as she’s not sick very often these days. But, it didn’t phase her, she didn’t bat an eyelid afterwards. She had an amazing appetite for her dinner tonight. Even had a bit extra. She doesn’t have a fever and seems her normal self. She didn’t have them at lunch time but we noticed them when bathing her this evening. We’ve given Calpol just in case and rubbed Sudocrem on them. She’s sleeping in her cot now, went down as normal, normal time. She’s 9 months old xx
Help. Overprotective (probably) worried Mummy ... - Baby and Us
Help. Overprotective (probably) worried Mummy alert...

Hey hun it looks like a heat lump I wouldn't be too worried if she still doing her normal routine. I'd check tomorrow and if still there ring your GP or local chemist. Hope your all well. Xx
Mary-Elizabeth hasn’t got any this morning so thankfully they can’t have been anything too worrying but I just worry anyway haha. The joys of being a Mummy, worry over every little thing! xx
That looks like hives to me. My LG gets them when she’s had chives and when she had allergy tests. We just give piriton and it goes down x
And my LG is always sick when she comes out in hives x
I would have said mosquito bite, but that's not very likely I suppose. Poor little sausage, hope they clear up soon xxx
They look like hives to me too. Dominic used to occasionally come out in them when he was younger. We never got to the bottom of what caused them. He never seemed in discomfort with them and they always went away by the next day. I would say if she still has them today then phone 111 to be on the safe side. If she starts getting them regularly then maybe start keeping a food diary to see if there is a pattern.
My lg went through a stage of hives for a couple of weeks. I think it was something viral as she did also get some diarrhoea after a few days. I started to think it was allergies as it went on for some time and hers would disappear and reappear. As long as little one isn’t bothered and not unwell I wouldn’t worry x