Does anyone know what to do when a GP doesn't know what to do with me. They said I've tried everything that I can and that they're not sure what to do next. The CMHT won't take me on because I'm waiting for a diagnosis. So where do I go for help whilst waiting?
The first response service on 111 is useless and doesn't know what to do with me either
I don't understand why it's so hard to get help. It feels like I don't belong in this world and that I'm not wanted
I just want to live somewhere where I can get the help I need but apparently that's too much to ask for so what's the point. I only keep going for other people and because I can't make my parents sad
I don't know how much more of this I can take
I already know about Dimensions and the National Autistic Society but they're just support groups and I'm not a people person. In fact I'm quite peopled out but there's no escaping people as there's people everywhere