I was given this website as a support tool - Autism Support

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I was given this website as a support tool

MissGreen86 profile image
2 Replies

I’ve struggled with my mental health for around 9/10 years. To keep it simple, at one of my primary mental health appointments some years ago ASD was mentioned. The DR I saw, who has now retired, was extremely dismissive when I tried to enquire more about this and stated “it cannot be cured”. I was then told that a member of adult social services would be in touch. It never happened. I very rarely reach out to the community support because I simply feel like I’m not being taken seriously or am told that the waiting time to see a specialised psychiatrist is so long that I may as well not bother, that’s how it comes across. I’ve been given medication, counselling and CBT and none of it works for me and I feel like I’m in the same place mentally as I was when I had my “breakdown” all those years ago. I just want help. I want to understand myself. How can I do this? Where do I go?

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MissGreen86 profile image
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2 Replies
NotJim profile image

Hi MissGreen 86,

That sounds like a lot that you're going through, I'm sorry it's been so rough for you.

I've had mental health problems for years as well, and it is really difficult finding that help especially when trying to cope with the mental challenges at the same time.

In regards to the ASD, I would try and seek a second opinion from a different doctor, as the one you mentioned sounds like they might have been a bit old school. It's true ASD cannot be cured, it just means we have a different operating system. If you suspect you have the condition or could be borderline then it can be worth investigating further - exploring what ASD might mean for you (every experience is different) can offer a different perspective on how your mind works.

I'm UK based as well and know that waiting lists are a pain in the bum. Going private to get mental health support could navigate around the waits, but I know that sometimes isn't an option for everyone.

If you feel you've been left in the dark, then I would recommend getting an appointment with your GP and really pushing them to get this seen to.You could explain to them what you've tried, (counselling, medication and CBT) and how these have not worked for you and you would like to know what else can be done. I think it's important to highlight to them what you want out of this (i.e., to be free of what you're dealing with or to find ways of managing ongoing challenges or to understand it better, whatever it may be) and to be really persistent. For example, if there they say they will look into Adult social services, but then you don't hear back in over a week, phone and chase them up. Keep yourself in the forefront of their priorities.

And if you wanted to seek a diagnosis for ASD, then you can ask for this too. It may take a long while, but if you can get the ball rolling then at least it's rolling, and the process as a whole is an opportunity to reflect on yourself too. Sometimes these do take months and the idea of that can feel very disheartening, but it can still be worth pushing for.

I hope this can help in some way, and that you can feel a bit better :)

Best wishes.

WhatNextNow profile image

Sounnds like the support hasn’t been easy to find.

If you’re unsure if ASD is a factor have you tried the AQ10 test? You can find it online fairly easily. The NHS use it to start the process.

Once I received a referral from my GP I was sent the AQ50 which is a bit more detailed and can also be found online.

If you score in the range where ASD is likely, and it sits well with you, then try accepting that self diagnosis.

If it explains your experiences and reactions then, that might be enough for you to start implementing the guidance for your neurodivergence.

I would recommend speaking to your GP and use your answers from the AQ10 to support your request for a referral.

Being on the waiting list doesn’t prevent you either living as if you are autistic or seeking private diagnosis if you choose to later.

I found CBT didn’t work for me, but as I was diagnosed ASD later, I now understand why.

Hope that long answer helps.

Happy to answer any other questions.

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