I’m a 29 year old woman and I think that I’m autistic. I have to do things at a certain time, I feel that my wording gets jumbled up and then I get anxious, I find it really hard to make friends, I feel that I’m better off working/being on my own and I seem to be coming across as rude/blunt/not looking interested when I know full well that I am. Should I go to a GP and mention all this? As I’m starting to feel that this affecting myself and my work as I want to succeed in life and I don’t to lose my job as I love it!
At my wits end! : I’m a 29 year old woman and... - Autism Support
At my wits end!
I’ve noticed these within the last 2 years, I had a job recently working in a call centre and that really threw me off track, I now work in a dental nursing.
Hello Nicolaclare
Yes you must go to your GP and discuss it don't be alone with it you will feel so much better talking about it
My son is in his 30s and is autistic he has been discriminated against as people don't understand or realise he has a condition
You don't have to feel like you do and feel you have to give up your job
I hope you will make an appointment today and start to get your happy life back and not worry
Take care and all the best x
Thank you, I am going to make an appointment to see my GP and discuss my situation. I don’t want to be going from job to job for the rest of my life.
So pleased
No you shouldn't have to go from job to job Your employers have duty of care to you
Good luck x
Why do you keep going from job to job?
Because of my anxiety and I have to do things in routine. I am better than I was, but with this virus going around and the place I work, I don’t know what is going on.
What do you mean exactly by anxiety? Do you mean worried all the time? What do you mean exactly when you say you don’t know what is going on? Would you explain this please? Thanks.
It’s useful to be able to do things in a routine it helps with doing anything that requires a logical process. Try to think of it as a strength. Maybe you should consider a private diagnosis since otherwise you might have to wait a long time
I’m always in a worry, I always feel that I try too hard and it’s not good enough and then I question myself and tell myself off.. I’m worried about my family, my friends and myself getting this virus. I’m doing everything to protect myself from it, but I feel that there is more I can do.
I try so hard too but people tell me it’s not enough and people tell me I’m just making excuses which isn’t true. What more could you do?